Future Under Fire - Trish McCallan Page 0,72

the two halves of the fabric, pulling the interior fold to the opening of the incision. After a bit of careful nudging, the material separated further, exposing the tiny item it concealed.

Plucking the rectangular object from the fabric, she carefully dropped it onto her palm and studied it with curiosity. The thing was super tiny, barely the size of her fingernail, with a black casing and a white 2 GB stamped across the bottom. She nudged it over with her index finger. Gold metal bars covered the top quarter of the plastic.

“It’s a memory card.” She looked up, shaking her head in surprise. Sean had actually hidden something in his jacket. She would never have expected that kind of ingenuity from him. “But I’ve never seen one so small, or thin.”

“It’s a microSD card. The kind used in phones.” Tag raised his eyebrows and glanced at Tram. “I’ll be damned. The kid actually hid something in there.”

Edging next to her, he reached over and carefully picked it up by pinching it between his thumb and index finger. The damn thing didn’t weigh anything at all. Which explained why her brother had managed to hide it in the jacket’s hem. You’d never know it was there unless you were looking for it.

He looked up, his gaze shifting between Devlin and Lucas. “You can store a shit ton of info on two gigs.”

Lucas nodded and peered down at Tag’s fingers. “We’ll need an adapter to access the info on it.”

Tag dropped the chip onto his palm and looked from Lucas to Devlin. “Either of you bring a laptop?”

The grunts and head shakes that followed were full of regret.

Great. Tag swallowed a scowl.

Sarah stirred beside him, her elbow grazing his arm. He twitched, almost dropping the micro card, as liquid fire spread out from the point of contact. Christ! His cock, which hadn’t settled down from that earlier romp on the bed, roared back to full alert. He took a step away, wanting to strangle the fucker. The last thing he needed was Tram or Dev noticing that his attention wasn’t focused on the mystery in his palm.

“We should take it to the police,” Sarah said, a hint of peach touching her cheeks, as though she knew the reason behind his retreat. “They have the technology to access this. Besides, they have a stake in this too.”

Her tone was matter of fact, as though taking it to the police was the obvious answer. To her it probably was. But from the grim looks Tram and Dev shared, Tag wasn’t the only one who wanted a look at this sucker before handing it off to anyone else.

It was Devlin who shook his head. “Not yet. We need to see what’s on this first. See if your brother recorded anything that links Mitch to the theft and sale of military weapons.”

When Lucas and Tag nodded, Sarah shrugged, looking resigned. “You are going to turn it over to the police though, eventually…right?”

“Sure.” Tag paused. “After we see what’s on it.”

Which meant they needed something to access the chip with. Not just an adapter, but a laptop too. While they might be able to find an adapter to fit one of their phones, the screen would be too small. They needed something bigger.

His laptop was a couple years old. He could use an upgrade anyway. He passed the chip to Devlin and hauled his phone out of his back pocket. He ran a search on the closest computer retailer. And looked up.

“There’s a Best Buy ten minutes from here. I’ll buy a laptop and adapter.” He turned to Tram. “I’ll give them your info. You can pick the order up.”

No fucking way was he leaving Sarah’s side, not with Mitch in town. Sure as hell not with Mitch’s arms trafficking pals in town.

“Here’s a thought.” Dev’s voice was dry. “You can pick the order up while Tram and I sit on your girl.”

He felt Sarah start, saw the quick surprised glance she shot him at Dev’s description. Tag ignored the comment, along with the flash of warmth it gave him. Yeah, he might just like that description a bit too much. Which reminded him of what had almost happened on that bed.

Which raised a bunch of new questions. She hadn’t shown any sign of reluctance…or fear…sure as hell not the kind of terror you’d expect considering what Mitch had done to her. Hell, she’d been as hot for him as he’d been for her.

He forced the observation

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