Future Under Fire - Trish McCallan Page 0,42

from the adrenaline crash, but she was also twitchy as hell. Her body practically vibrated on the bed. Hell, he could almost see her skin crawling. Her gaze constantly skittered around the room, like she suspected an array of germs or vermin were out to ambush her.

Sarah would never be able to sleep in a place like this. She should have jumped at the chance to leave it.

So why stay?

Maybe she was meeting Mitch here after all.

She’d been willing to marry the bastard right up until she’d been kidnapped. Even knowing the kind of man he was, knowing he was cheating on her, knowing he was a thief, she’d still showed up at the chapel.

“You’re a bad liar, Sarah.” The accusation was quiet. “How about you tell me what’s really going on.” When her eyebrows lowered and she opened her mouth, he headed her off with a grim shake of his head. “I don’t doubt you’re scared. But you know Tram and I have your back. You know nobody would get to you with us standing guard. Fuck, you could move into my place. Nobody would find you there.”

His satisfaction at that offer was unexpected, and unwelcome.

She sat there a second, her eyes distant. Finally, she sighed.

“This trip isn’t about Mitch.” She looked up, holding his gaze for the first time since he’d followed her into the room. “I know that’s what you’re thinking. That I’m trying to hook up with Mitch again.” She absently pushed a strand of hair off her cheek. “That’s not what this trip is about…” She grimaced, pausing. “It’s about Sean.” The explanation came out in a rush.

“Sean…” he echoed, mulling that over. “What about him?”

“He was supposed to give me away yesterday. But he never showed up.” She stared up at him, fear turning her eyes more green than hazel. “I’m worried that someone went after him too.” She shook her head and looked away. “To force Mitch to pay up.”

Tag frowned. That line of logic made no sense.

“Why would anyone use Sean as leverage against Mitch? You? Sure. You’re his fiancée. If they didn’t know what a total prick Mitch is, they’d think using threats against you could force him into line. But your brother?” He shook his head. “That doesn’t track.”

“It does if they knew how close Sean and I are. If they thought Mitch would pay up to avoid worrying me.” She looked back at him, her gaze skimming his face before dropping to his chin. “I don’t know if someone took him too. All I know is he didn’t show up for my wedding. He isn’t answering his phone. Nobody knows where he is.” Her face tightened.

Talk about convoluted logic. But…he had wondered why she’d never mentioned her brother at the police station. If her brother hadn’t shown up for the wedding and wasn’t answering his phone—yeah, that would worry her.

But if that were the case— “Why didn’t you mention your concern to Rio? The police could easily track Sean down.”

Tag watched her fingers clench in her lap. Her throat quivered as she swallowed. They were finally getting to the crux of this midnight jaunt. He could sense it.

“Because…” Her voice dropped to a tight whisper. “He might be using again. That could be why he blew the wedding off. You know how he gets when he’s using. If that’s the case, I don’t want the police involved.”

Using again…yeah, that made sense. Tag’s jaw set.

Sean and his drug habit were all too familiar. The bastard had plowed through his half of the inheritance their parents had left them, then borrowed more money than Sarah could afford to give. He’d lied to her. Stole from her. Pawned family heirlooms that his sister had treasured, all to fund his next high. Hell, her irresponsible druggie of a brother would have sold their family home out from under them if Sarah hadn’t taken steps to prevent that possibility.

Oh yeah, he didn’t doubt that Sean was capable of skipping his sister’s wedding if he was in a drug-induced stupor. He could also see Sarah worrying about him and heading off to find him, regardless of her own safety. Christ knew what kind of a drugged-out wasteland Sean was living in.

Sarah sure as hell shouldn’t be headed off there on her own.

The way she’d enabled that little brother of hers was one of the few things they’d argued about. It was past time Sarah let him face his demons on his own, but Tag doubted

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