Future Under Fire - Trish McCallan Page 0,4

the denial out. She was so tired of lying.

“I can’t.” The words emerged in a raw croak.

Langley pulled back slightly, her forehead wrinkling. Long brown hair shimmered as she shook her head. “This is about Sean, isn’t it? Is he using drugs again? Is Mitch forcing you to go through with this because of something Sean did?”

It didn’t surprise her that Langley had put things together so quickly. Oh, not all of it, but enough to hit the basics. She’d always been mentally astute, jumping from clue to clue much faster than Sarah was capable of.

“You can’t keep sacrificing yourself for Sean, Sarah. You’ve been putting him first since your parents died. He’s what? Twenty-one now? Twenty-two? Either way, he’s an adult. It’s time for him to take responsibility for his own actions and accept the consequences for whatever he’s done.”

Sarah’s jaw dropped in surprise. Wow, apparently Langley was really concerned about her. It was the only time she could remember her friend offering her opinion without being asked for it first.

“I know,” Sarah said, the pressure in her chest so heavy it felt like someone was kneeling on her lungs. “But this time it’s different.”

And it was. This time, if she didn’t protect Sean, he’d be killed. One word from Mitch, and those bastards who held him would murder him. And even if by some miracle he survived Mitch and his associates, he wouldn’t survive the police. If she went to the police—or Brett and his SEAL buddies—her brother would be arrested, charged with treason, maybe even executed. Or he’d be murdered in prison.

She had no maneuverability here…except placating Mitch…and keeping her treasonous fiancé’s finger off the trigger until she found a way out of this mess. Although that hope was waning by the day. After all, she hadn’t found a path out in two years.

Before Langley had a chance to question her further, the door to the bridal suite slammed open, crashing against the wall. Sarah glanced over, expecting Mitch. It would be just like the bastard to make sure she hadn’t fled the building. But the man who stepped into the room was a stranger.

He must be one of Mitch’s military buddies.

Except…this guy didn’t look like a SEAL, or SEAL support. He was on the scrawny side of skinny, with thinning blond hair, a pallid face and …she frowned, an uneasy chill feathering down her spine. His eyes were wide, glazed, and edged by white. Charles Manson eyes.

Langley stiffened beside her. Apparently Sarah wasn’t the only one picking up on the crazy aura that permeated this guy.

“Can I help you?” Sarah worked to project calm, pleasantness.

“You’re Sarah? Mitch’s bride?” His voice was surprisingly deep for such a gaunt frame.

It was also rushed and urgent. As though he had no time to waste on social niceties. Why that increased the tension invading her muscles she had no clue. She thought about lying but knew she wouldn’t be able to pull the lie off. Not when she was wearing this stupid wedding dress. Unless, she could convince him that…

“Mitch? You must have the wrong wedding facility.” Sarah fought for a casual tone.

“Right.” His accompanying snort sounded almost amused. But the big black gun he pulled out of his waistband was anything but humorous. “Then why are there so many of his fucking SEAL mates down below?”


“What’s this about?” Sarah asked keeping perfectly still as the barrel of the gun swung in her direction.

“This is about Mitch refusing to pay me what he owes me. This is about me, using you to make sure I get my half of the cut.” He shot a quick glance toward Langley. “And her too. Hell, two broads is better than one.”

Sarah didn’t take her eyes off him. But she could sense Langley’s tension. Good God, this unexpected twist had to be messing with Langley’s mind, stirring up some ugly memories. It was barely a year since her friend had been kidnapped by those rebels down in South America.

“Okay.” Sarah dropped her gaze to the big black gun pointed at her chest.

His eyes…watch his eyes. They’ll clue you in if he decides to shoot.

Brett’s voice whispered through her mind. He’d been obsessed with making sure she had enough self-defense moves to protect herself.

It looked like those lessons might finally come in handy.

She wrestled her gaze back up to his face. “The gun’s unnecessary. Just tell me what you want us to do and we’ll do it.”

“I want you to head toward the door. Slowly.

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