Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,9

a survivor. She had to be in order to be one of Hell’s bounty hunters.

That gave him pause. This wasn’t smart. And he’d stayed alive all these millennia by being intelligent.

He started to withdraw when she flicked her tongue over his bottom lip. His balls clenched hard, and his fingers tightened around her skull, forcing him to gentle his grip. If he wasn’t careful, he’d crush her.

When she parted her lips on a gasp, he slipped his tongue inside, tasting the sweet warmth of her mouth. She thrust her tongue against his, stroking and challenging.

He tore his mouth from hers and stared down at her. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed, and she was panting hard. The sirens from the police and rescue vehicles were getting closer.

“We need to leave.”

Her eyes snapped open, and the flushed, passionate woman disappeared in a blink, replaced by the hardened bounty hunter. Which was the real woman? Neither? Both?

She took a step back and holstered her weapon. Her lips were slightly swollen and glossy. “What was that all about? Never mind. There’s no time to get into it.” Her gaze mapped their surroundings, missing nothing. “Shit. I didn’t mean to get distracted. I can’t be here.”

She was right about that. Even the human cops would notice the blood on her clothing, not to mention her weapons. Unlike most paranormal creatures, bounty hunters didn’t have any extra skills beyond their enhanced strength and senses and ability to heal quickly. She couldn’t fly herself away from the scene like an angel or scale a building like a vampire.

“Come with me.” He faded into the shadows, expecting her to follow.

When she didn’t, he turned and studied her outlined in the dim ambient lighting from a nearby streetlight.

Even in the shadows, her red hair shone like a beacon. What was it about her that drew him? Why her? Why now?

And why was Gabriel so keen to have her dead?

She gave a quick glance over her shoulder. The cops were searching the area.

“What’s it going to be?” he challenged. He could subdue her, but having her come willingly would be easier.

Her green eyes glittered with irritation. With a sigh, she straightened her shoulders and followed. Something dark and deadly settled in him.

There was no place in his life for a woman. Any perceived connection or weakness would be used against him by his enemies, who were legion.

But a night or two. Maybe three. That wouldn’t attract undue attention. He could satisfy his curiosity.

No harm. No foul.

Maybe she won’t try to kill me.

The dark beast that dwelled inside him rumbled in displeasure. Maccus struggled to control it. If it were ever released, there would be no stopping him until he’d laid waste to the world.

What the hell am I doing?

Her job, for one.

Yeah, right. She hadn’t followed Maccus because Lucifer wanted the man dead.

I have no idea why I’m here.

Her lips still tingled where he’d kissed her. It had been more than ten years since she’d had a sexual reaction to a man. Being dragged into Hell to train as a bounty hunter had killed her libido. And since then, the only contact she’d had with the opposite sex was either demons—no thank you—or human scum like the group she’d encountered tonight. Not exactly designed to make a girl want to rip off her panties and jump into bed.

But Maccus knew what she was and wasn’t the least bit intimidated or bothered by it. That was a turn-on.

But she was no closer to understanding exactly who or what he was beyond his name and the fact that he was badass.

Her boss ordered her to sleep with him if necessary. And if sex with a stranger helped keep her alive, she’d been prepared to do it.

Then she’d met him in person and decided it might not be such a hardship after all.

It was smart to go with him, maybe find out where he lived and discover his

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