Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,89

just like the creatures she captured and sent back to Hell. Maybe she’d even hunted him. “Do you think I’ve met him?”

“Doubtful.” His deep voice was a calming rumble against her cheek where it rested on his chest. “Lucifer wouldn’t want to risk you sensing something or allow the demon to form an attachment. The fact he went back twice to your mother shows he was more than physically attracted to her.”

“You think so?” For some unknown reason, that made it seem a bit better.

“Yes.” That was Maccus, using one word when it would do. He laid out the facts, never trying to convince her of anything.

“God, I’m so tired.” She was heartsick. So much blood and destruction and death. For what? Power? From what she’d seen, power was little more than an illusion, a fleeting thing that either faded fast or was taken by someone else who wanted what you had. It was all so stupid and pointless.

Tilting her head back, she looked up at the ruthless killer who’d saved her life and brought her back from the void beyond. “So, what happens now?” As much as she’d like to stay there with the covers pulled over her head, Lucifer wouldn’t allow things to rest as they were.

Maccus brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. The gesture was both sweet and awkward. “You get strong. Then we go hunting.”

It was always straightforward for him. If someone was trying to kill you, you killed them first. Except, she’d been sent to kill him, and she was still here.

“What is it?” he asked.

It no longer surprised her that he was so in tune with her moods. Nobody was as aware of their surroundings as Maccus. “Do you think Lucifer can use me to hurt you?”

“No.” Quick and blunt, his assessment was reassuring. “If he could have, he would have already done so. He tried to make you kill me in the alleyway and failed.”

That made her feel a bit better, but she still worried. “So, what will they do?” Because Gabriel was lurking out there as well.

“What they do best—manipulate people to get them to do their dirty work.”

That summed it up perfectly. Wasn’t she hunting demons? That certainly hadn’t been in her top hundred career choices growing up. Yet, here she was.

The peace that now enveloped them was fleeting. Best to take advantage of it while they could. And wasn’t it convenient that they were in bed? A big, soft bed. And they were both naked, too. Seemed a shame not to take advantage of the situation.

And there was no way for her not to notice his erection. Not when it was poking her in the side.

When she ran her fingers over his chest, he caught her hand and flattened it against his skin. “You need to rest.”

“I’m not tired,” she assured him. “I’ve slept for three days.” His lips thinned at the reminder, drawing his mouth into a hard line. He was going to be stubborn.

She turned and straddled his lap, so she faced him.

“Morrigan,” he began, but she cut him off, not wanting to talk any longer. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his.

The sound he made was a mix of pain and pleasure. He gripped her hips and yanked her forward until his erection pressed against her stomach. He was so hot and hard, so filled with life. It was what she needed. She’d been so close to death, so close to never having this again.

And unlike a normal human, she didn’t need as much recovery time. Was she hungry? Yes. But touching Maccus, being with him, was more essential to her than any food could ever be. She needed it to heal her heart and soul.

When he tilted his head to one side and deepened the kiss, she simply let go of all her worries and lost herself in his touch. They kissed, their lips and tongues teasing and retreating.

She traced his bulging biceps, outlining the tattoos with her questing fingers, paying special attention to the throwing stars at his shoulders. One of them

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