Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,5

head gleamed. He was also sober, not impeded by either alcohol or drugs.

“No, he’s not. He’s one of Lucifer’s demons, and the big guy wants him back.”

The man shook his head. “I don’t fucking care who this Lucifer guy is or what gang he’s a part of, but we don’t turn our backs on our brothers.”

Just great—a thug with a sense of loyalty. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

This situation was one wrong move from becoming a free-for-all shootout.

The blonde giving the blowjob hadn’t even broken her rhythm. You had to admire that kind of dedication. “What will it be? Are you loyal to your friends, or are you going to let them die for you?”

Not that she doubted the answer for one second. A demon always looked out for itself.

Clem bolted toward the window, but she’d anticipated his move and fired. The silver bullet struck him dead center of his chest, the impact knocking him to the floor.

“You killed him.” The guy in charge seemed shocked.

“He’s not dead,” she assured him. It would take a hell of a lot more than a bullet to the chest to kill a demon. That was just to slow him down. If she’d needed to kill him, she’d have brought an ax along and taken his head before burning the body and sprinkling the ash with holy water. “You better run while you have the chance.”

One of the other men gave a roar and shot at her. Morrigan ducked out of the way of the bullet and swung around, keeping her back to the wall. Before she could return fire, a low growl split the air.

“Seems Clem is back with us,” she told them in a cheery tone. Humans never listened to her. They all just stood there, staring with their mouths hanging open in shock and disbelief. “You’d better run.”

But they all seemed rooted to the floor as Clem’s eyes popped open. No longer blue, they were now blazing red. He smiled, and there were two rows of teeth, sharp as razors.

“Now, Clem. Fighting won’t get you anywhere. You’re still going back to Hell.”

“Shit. What’s wrong with Clem?” one guy asked, his pale skin going even whiter with shock.

Even the woman giving the blowjob paused, fear crossing her pretty face. She screamed, jumped to her feet, and scurried for the door, proving she had a better instinct for self-preservation than the others. As if that was a starter’s pistol, the rest of them raced after her, plowing down the stairs as fast as they could go.

All except the big guy, the one who seemed to be in charge. “You going to be okay?” he asked as he sidled toward the door, all the while never taking his eyes off of Clem.

She was shocked. Not an easy thing to do. “It’s what I do,” she told him. Then, while she’d been stupidly thinking that there might be some decency left in the world, she almost didn’t see the knife coming.

The drug dealer had gotten close. Because she was a woman, no one ever expected her to be as strong or as fast as she was.

But she was more than human.

With lightning speed, she yanked the sword from the sheath on her back, swung it downward, and severed his index finger from his hand. The knife clattered to the floor, and blood spurted from the wound. Shocked, the man fell back against the wall and slid down until he was sitting on the floor.

“What did Clem promise? That he’d share his power with you?” Humans were always so gullible. But this guy was close to passing out and bleeding heavily.

“Fuck.” She sheathed her sword and ripped his shirt over his head. Using the material, she bound his wound. “Could have been worse,” she assured him. “I pulled it, so I only took one finger and not the entire hand.”

His eyes glassy, he stared at her. She dug into his pocket and found his cell phone, putting it in his good hand. “If you get to a hospital, you should be fine. Maybe they can even reattach

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