Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,48

gone,” she told the woman. “He’s mine.”

Shit, she hadn’t meant to say that. Would Maccus laugh or, worse, repudiate her claim? They’d had sex. They had to work together for the time being. That didn’t mean he wasn’t interested in the brunette. Maybe he’d take her phone number to use later, once Morrigan was dead or gone.

Well, the hell with him, with all of them.

She’d worked up a full head of steam when he turned his black gaze on the human. “You heard her.” The woman paled and tripped on her high heels as she stumbled away.

Something warm unfurled in her chest. She’d taken a step toward Maccus when the demon tried to bolt. Crap, she was going to muck this up. Being around Maccus made her brain cells sluggish.

“You’re not going anywhere.” She whipped out the cuffs and held them in front of him. “Hands.”

“Fuck.” The demon took one look at Maccus and held out his hands without complaint. She might not like it, but having him with her did make demon apprehension easier.

She slapped the cuffs on, using a bit more force than necessary, and grabbed Speed by the arm. They were beginning to attract attention. Usually, she gave them some song and dance about being a bounty hunter. Technically she was, just not the kind they imagined. She wasn’t taking him in so he could go back to jail or be bonded out again. No, she was sending him to Hell.

“Let’s get out of here,” she muttered.

“Back door.” Maccus pointed toward a fire exit close by. He led the way, and she followed, keeping a hard grip on the demon. Not that she had many worries now that the cuffs were on him. That was always the tricky part.

They went down a short hallway toward the lit exit. Hopefully, it would lead to an alley where she could call Emmett for pickup.

“Come on,” Speed whined. “Don’t take me back.”

His pleas fell on deaf ears. Morrigan had heard it all before. “You’re the one who didn’t go back on time. Not my problem.”

“Bitch,” he muttered.

She gave him a cold smile. “And don’t you forget it.”

Maccus shoved the door open and stepped outside. The air was humid and heavy, unlike the cool, air-conditioned club. The alarm didn’t go off. She assumed she had him to thank for that.

“I’ll call my supervisor and—” She broke off. Something wasn’t right. She shoved the demon up against a dumpster. Even more disturbing, Speed crouched down and made himself as small as possible rather than using the disturbance to try and bolt. The cuffs may have physically weakened him, but he still had the use of his legs and a powerful motivation not to go back home.

Power filled the space. “Shit.”

“Stay behind me,” Maccus ordered.

Nodding, she pulled both her gun and short sword. Holding them made her feel better, kind of like a kid with her blanket or teddy bear.

“Isn’t this cozy.” Gabriel strolled out from the darkness, shedding light before him. He was as gorgeous as you’d expect an angel to be, but he curdled her blood.

“Why are you here?” Big and dark, shadows crept around Maccus, sliding over him in an almost sensual caress before heading toward the angel.

When she took a step back, the demon grabbed her and pulled her in front of him, the coward. It was time to get her bounty out of here—one less thing to worry about.

She slipped her sword back into the sheath and then eased her phone from her pocket. Keeping it down by her side, she hit the right contact and waited anxiously until the call connected. “Emmett,” she whispered, hoping the men were too caught up in each other to pay attention to her.

“Now, Morrigan,” Gabriel scolded. “That’s cheating.”

Crap, he had noticed.

Emmett appeared with a frown on his face and irritation in his eyes just as a flaming sword appeared in Gabriel’s hand. Maccus manifested a pair of large blades that looked black in the light.

She pushed the demon at her

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