Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,44

her, something he did way too often for her liking. It wasn’t personal. He was used to living alone, to only being concerned about himself. He was done talking, so he left.

She grabbed her clothes and yanked them on. Maccus was already at his desk, working at his laptop.

“Club is about a half-hour walk. Faster by subway,” he told her.

“I have to go back to my motel room first,” she reminded him. “I need those cuffs.”

“Might as well grab anything you need while you’re there and move in with me until this is settled.” He glanced up from the keyboard.

She’d be stupid to turn down his offer. This was as close to a sanctuary as she was likely to get.

She closed the space between them, threw one of her legs over his lap, and straddled him. “Thank you.” When he frowned, she traced her thumb across his bottom lip. “No matter what happens, this time together has been the best in—”

He kissed her. No, he inhaled her. Their embrace was hard and frantic with a hint of desperation. She dug her fingers into his shoulders to anchor herself as he slanted his head, their tongues fighting. Eventually, the kiss softened, becoming less a battle and more a sharing, a give and take.

When he leaned back, they were breathless.

“You’re welcome.” His blunt reply was so him. He’d never give a woman flowery words, and that was fine with her. She’d much rather have him by her side, blade in hand. Especially since she had no idea what was coming next.

Chapter Eleven

Maccus kept one eye on Morrigan and the other on the crowd as they walked into The Inferno. It was early, but the club was already hopping. The DJ was set up at the back of the room, fist pumping in time with the beat. People crowded the dance floor, gyrating to the pounding music.

In a couple of hours, it would be pure bedlam.

The bouncer on the door had taken one look at him and simply opened the door. The mood he was in? No one wanted to piss him off. Even the people in the lineup outside had kept their mouths shut.

She was staying with him. They’d gone by her hotel, picked up the cuffs and some of her gear, and taken it back to his place. They’d agreed she’d keep the room in case her boss came looking for her. If she needed more clothes, he’d order them. Overnight shipping was a beautiful thing.

It was still somewhat of a shock that he’d voluntarily invited someone to share his space. Only temporarily, but it was the first time he’d even considered such a thing.

Anyone else and he’d have left them to take their chances alone.

Maybe Hell had frozen over.

Or maybe she was special. Tension seeped into his muscles, and he had to force himself to relax. Just because the sex satisfied him in a way nothing ever had was no reason to lose focus on the main goal—staying alive.

Morrigan had her priorities, and he had his. If they diverged—

He cut that thought off and got his head back into the game, something that had never been a problem until he’d met her.

Right now, the goal was to catch a demon named Speed as fast as possible and get back to his place.


He snorted. This was a trap, plain and simple. Exactly what Lucifer had in mind with this detour remained to be seen.

People stared as they walked by. He always drew stares in public. Hard to be inconspicuous when he was as big as he was. It was why he generally stuck to the shadows.

“Let’s get a drink.” He’d leaned down to whisper in her ear but had to almost yell to be heard above the music. Enhanced hearing had upsides and downsides, and being in a club with the music thumping so loud the floor was vibrating was definitely not fun.

He headed to the bar with her following close behind him. It was easier for him to lead as people jumped out of the

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