Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,34

with energy, both dark and light. She wandered closer, needing a better look.

“Don’t touch anything.” His command brought her frustration roaring back.

“I hadn’t planned to.” But now she might, just because he’d told her not to. Childish? Maybe. Stupid? Undoubtedly. But she was sick and tired of men telling her what to do. Her entire life had been upended yet again on the whim and actions of another.

He sat at his desk and opened his laptop. Ignoring him for the time being, she studied the thick, leather-bound volumes and ancient stone tablets that filled the place. There were parchments with writing she couldn’t even begin to decipher.

But he could.

And then there were the weapons. They were all museum quality, all deadly, and she had no doubt he was the master of them all.

Finally, she followed the clicking of the keyboard and stood behind him, staring over his shoulder. He was navigating a website she’d never seen before. It was surprisingly titled: The Forgotten Brotherhood.

“Really? It sounds like a video game.” And maybe that was the point. Hide in plain sight. But there were layers to the site, and he navigated them easily with a series of long passwords that he typed too fast for her to memorize.

“It’s very real.”

“So what exactly do you do, besides kill people, that is? Do you strictly deal with paranormal creatures, or do you go after humans, too?” That didn’t seem very fair, but no one ever said life was fair.

He ignored her and kept on typing.

Maccus had more layers than an onion. Smart, obviously well-read if the books on his shelves were any indication, a master with knives and swords, and totally fearless. She’d sweat through the shirt she was wearing back at the diner. But he’d acted like it was just an ordinary day. It annoyed her even as she admired him.

She ran her hands up and down her thighs and then forced herself to stop. She took a deep breath. Then another.

Why was she so pissed with him?

She wanted him to help her because he liked her, not because he needed the information as much as she did.

How lame was that?

It wasn’t like they were dating or anything. They’d had sex. Sure, it was off the cosmic charts hot, but still only sex.

He’d played her body like a master—every stroke or lick designed to drive her crazy. Her blood thickened, and her panties grew damp. Good thing the shirt she wore was so large; otherwise, her nipples would be poking the material.

His head was bent, the longer length of his hair falling to the side. Having the sides cropped close gave him a savage appearance. Not that he needed the help.

He had muscles on his muscles, all sleek and hot. She closed her hands to keep from reaching for him. She licked her lips, wondering if he’d notice if she nibbled on his thick neck.

No! No! No! This isn’t happening. I’m not falling for him.

But it was too late. The emotional connection was there.

Nope, just sex. And if she told herself that enough times, she might actually believe it.

“I’ve sent out some queries, and we’ll see what comes back.” He lowered the lid and pushed his chair away from the desk.

“That’s it?” She’d been expecting, or at least hoping, for more.

“For now.” He studied her intently. She could practically see the wheels spinning in his head.

“No sex,” she told him. It would only deepen the connection she had with him. She was already in over her head.

He tilted his head to one side. “Why not?”

Yeah, why not? Ignoring the whiny little voice in the back of her head, she continued. “I need to focus on a plan to stay alive. Lucifer is pissed.”

“How good a hunter are you?” Maccus walked over to one of the shelves. After inspecting several weapons, he withdrew a long slender dagger and tossed it toward her.

“Good enough to get the job done.” She plucked the weapon from

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