Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,20

way. No, her body throbbed in the most delicious way. Her core pulsed as though still vibrating from the most amazing orgasm she’d ever had in her entire life. Or rather the four most amazing orgasms. Or was it five? She’d lost count.

Maccus had been a machine, fucking her hard and fast. She’d never experienced anything like it. He’d been out of control, something she was pretty sure was rare for him.

For a heartbeat, she feared he was going to kill her. His hands had wrapped around her throat, fingers tightening around the slender column. Her life had flashed before her eyes. Regrets had saddened her. And she had so many. Not just for herself, but for the younger sister she’d given up everything to save.

Funnily enough, being with Maccus wasn’t one of them.

But he’d simply gripped her neck, his touch firm but not damaging, as he fought some internal battle.

Dying didn’t bother her. It was what came after. If she died before she completed her task, Lucifer would make sure she suffered for eternity.

On a shudder, she opened her eyes and pushed herself into a sitting position. She was alone in the biggest bed she’d ever seen. Forget king-size; this thing was built for a giant—or an almost seven-foot whatever Maccus was.

She was naked and completely dry. How had that happened? The last thing she remembered was an orgasm that had rocked her to her very core. She’d closed her eyes to rest for a few minutes. And that was it.

Maccus was dangerous. He’d made her lower her guard with him—something she hadn’t done in a decade.

The sound of chanting drifted through the open door. Curious, she scooted off the bed and padded silently down the hall.

The scene before her was like something out of a horror movie. The previously white walls were now covered in blood-red symbols. Some of them she recognized from her time in Hell and from the cuffs she slapped onto the bounties she hunted. Others were totally foreign to her.

But they were powerful. Even though she had no paranormal abilities whatsoever, there was no mistaking the pulse of energy flowing from them.

He finished the final symbol and straightened from a crouch. The blood on his hands faded, as though absorbing back into him, leaving no wound behind. “You’re awake.”

She motioned to the symbols covering the walls. “Redecorating?”

His lips twitched but still no smile.

“Making sure we don’t have any unwanted visitors.”

Good luck with that. She doubted anything could keep Lucifer out, but it still gave her a sense of safety, which was probably stupid, considering she was trapped in here with Maccus.

When he turned toward the far wall, she glimpsed his back for the first time. There were other weapons there, but that wasn’t what claimed her attention. No, it was the set of magnificent black wings etched along his spine.

As though drawn by an invisible tether, she walked toward him, her hand out. They were beautiful, each feather so intricately drawn they looked real and soft. She curled her fingers inward to keep from touching them. The muscles in his back tensed.

Then she saw the scars. Only her enhanced vision allowed her to see them. They ran down the length of his back on either side, perfectly symmetrical.

Unable to believe what she was seeing, she swallowed heavily, taking a step back when he spun around. Danger pulsed in the air, vibrating through her entire body.

Run! the primitive part of her urged.

She held her ground.

“You’re an angel,” she blurted.

He shook his head. “Once.”

Holy fuck! Maccus Fury was a fallen angel. There’d been rumors, but she’d figured they were just that. Other than Lucifer himself, she’d never actually believed there were others like him out there.

Why have her kill Maccus? Wouldn’t dealing with him fall under Heaven’s jurisdiction? Or was he so powerful Lucifer feared him?

That was enough to make her slightly ill. How the hell was she supposed to kill a man that Lucifer feared? No, not a man, an angel.


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