Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,107

disappeared without another word.

Slumping forward, Morrigan caught her hands on her thighs and inhaled deeply. Even with her clothes stuck to her skin with sweat, her beauty almost blinded him.

Unable to resist, he flared his wings, allowing the familiar weight to settle. It had been so very long. He’d missed them more than he ever admitted to himself. They retracted with ease, once again becoming tattoos. But like his blades, they were more than just ink.

The sword he’d wielded was new, but with nothing more than a thought, the weapon disappeared. There was a slight searing of his skin as the blade settled on his body straight down his spine between his wings.

Eyes wide, she shook her head. “That’s some trick.”

“You’re one to talk.” There was so much they needed to discuss. She was now an oracle. That came with great power and responsibility.

A smile slowly crossed her lips. “It’s finally over.”

He cupped her face in his hands and leaned down until their lips were almost touching. “It’s just beginning.”

After all that had occurred, the walk back to his place was anticlimactic. After ten long years as a bounty hunter for Hell, Morrigan was no longer bound to Lucifer. She was finally free.

Beyond exhausted, she sank down on the sofa, her bones practically melting into the comfy cushions. Maccus crouched in front of her, silent and watchful. His eyes, already compelling, were now insanely gorgeous. The golden light around the darkness gave him an otherworldly appearance. Okay, he’d already had that. The eyes added to it.

“I’m not a bounty hunter any longer.” Saying it out loud sounded so strange.

“I know.”

“Kayley is gone.” That was the hard part. Her baby sister, the child she’d loved and cherished, was lost to her forever.

“I know.”

“I met my father.” There was wonder there. Her father, a demon, had defied Lucifer and protected her.

“You did.”

A horrifying thought occurred to her. “Will Lucifer hurt him?”

He touched a gentle finger to her cheek. Then he disappeared—poof—out of sight.

She jumped to her feet and spun in a circle, catching herself when she made herself dizzy. “Maccus?” Where had he gone? And how had he simply disappeared?

He popped up in front of her, startling her so badly she fell back. Thankfully, the couch caught her.

“What was that?” she demanded, totally freaked out by his sudden disappearance.

“I can travel between the realms now with no more than a thought.”

“You went to Hell?” Just like she’d pop over to the corner deli for sandwiches. It boggled the mind.

“There will be no repercussions for your father.”

“And Kayley?”

He shook his head. There was nothing he could do about that. Kayley had willingly signed over her soul for power. Her father was simply a demon who’d fallen in love with a human.

“Thank you.” That he’d do that for her was overwhelming. “I’m sorry you had to go back there.” The memories that place held for him had to be horrific.

Unable to settle, she pushed up off the sofa. As exhausted as she was, she couldn’t sit still. “I think I remember most of what I said when I was in that trance or whatever it was. You’re this Guardian.”

“Apparently.” He seemed as surprised as she was by this development.

“The light inside you…” She was almost afraid to ask.

“It’s changed. It’s neither dark nor light, but both.”

He looked so alone standing by himself that she went to him. “That makes sense. What other powers do you have?”

“I have no idea. The job doesn’t exactly come with a training manual.” When he held out his hand toward the wall with the bloody protective symbols painted on it, a dark light tinged with gold swept over the surface. The symbols disappeared.

“You got rid of them?” That didn’t seem like a good idea to her. Regardless of their new status, she didn’t trust either Lucifer or Gabriel.

“Buried.” The symbols pulsed once before fading

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