The Frozen Prince (The Beast Charmer #2) - Maxym M. Martineau Page 0,57


With a thick swallow, I chose my words carefully. “The oath. It’s worse when you’re gone.” She needed to be protected at all costs. For both our sakes.

I’d never let anything happen to her. I’d never… A shudder passed through me. I would never fall prey to the delusion that she needed to be murdered in order for Amira and Bowen to find peace. Killing her would be like killing them all over again.

And yet a glimmer of red still loitered in my peripheral vision, trying to take root without care for logic.

“I know how to break it.”

A dull ringing started in my ears. “What?”

Wrapping her arms loosely around my neck, she offered me a tired but hopeful smile. “There’s a beast that can do it. We need to leave first thing tomorrow.”

Hope, pure and radiant, spread like wildfire in my chest. I slanted my mouth across hers and tasted the relief on her lips. But the thought of Amira and Bowen still lingered in my mind, and my body stiffened as quickly as it had relaxed. A shiver raced over my skin. I wanted to tell her all that I’d seen. But I couldn’t tell her of the visions, and bringing up what Kost and I had discovered earlier… What Gaige had discovered… Not while the walls had ears and eyes, though no assassin would ever admit to eavesdropping. I trusted they were loyal, but information was deadlier than any blade, and those who had it were often manipulated without choice.

Taking a step back, I let out a shaky breath. “I need to speak with Kost.”

“What? You’re joking.” Her fingers tightened on my waist. “I just got back and told you I have a cure, and you’re leaving?”

“It’s urgent, Leena.”

She let out a miffed snort. “Okay, if it’s so urgent, then why don’t I come with you to chat with Kost?”

“There’s no need.”

She narrowed her eyes. “There’s certainly a need. I have a need to know what’s going on.”

Gently, I brushed away her hands. “Don’t wait up for me. Get some rest before our journey.”

Fire brewed in her stare, and she took a defiant step toward me. “No. Gods dammit, Noc, talk to me. What the hell is going on? Why are you pulling away?”

“Because I…” A sharp tingling burned my throat, and I swallowed. “I want to make sure we’re prepared. We’ll talk more tomorrow, once we’re on the road. I promise.”

“Another promise?” She folded her arms across her chest. “I’ve yet to see you follow through on one.”

Her accusation burned, but I could take it. For her safety, I’d endure her anger until we had a chance to talk openly. Until I could explain myself and beg for forgiveness. I only hoped it wouldn’t take too long.

“Good night, Leena.” My chest tightened as I caught the hurt in her gaze, but I turned my back on my love and stormed out into the halls of Cruor. An unfamiliar feminine laugh ghosted through my mind, and the red tendrils flared.

The sooner we ended this madness, the better.



On the edge of Cruor’s property was an ivy-clad stable with ten stalls all housed with Zeelahs. Thick straw and wheatgrass crunched beneath our boots as we approached four saddled mounts, readied by Astrid and Emelia for our departure. The faintest glow of morning light slipped through the oblong windows above each stall, and a sleepy barn owl let out a soft hoot from the rafters. We hadn’t taken Zeelahs to Wilheim on our first journey, knowing we’d catch a train, but there wasn’t a more direct route to Oslo’s Ruins. The remoteness of it ate away at my hope and allowed anxiety to settle deep in my bones. Time was not on our side.

Astrid passed worn leather reins to me, and a small flicker of warmth bloomed in my chest. The last time I’d gone on a journey with assassins, I’d nearly lost my life, but I’d found my love. My gaze flickered to Noc. Charcoal eyes tight and framed by bags from sleepless nights. Tense hands forming fists visible through the pockets of his black trousers. Onyx tunic and overcoat. He was the lord of the shadows, and even with the edge of fatigue clinging to his frame, there was a hint of ferocity in the angry muscles tightening his shoulders.

“Noc, are you sure about this?” Emelia handed over his reins before clasping her hands before her. With her thick hair braided away to leave her face open and clear, Copyright 2016 - 2024