The Frozen Prince (The Beast Charmer #2) - Maxym M. Martineau Page 0,33

waistline of my loose-fitting breeches.

Clearly, he wasn’t as concerned with his inability to speak as I was. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

He raised a playful brow. “For a moment, let me think about something other than the problems we’re facing. Please.” With ease, he slipped beneath the fabric to cup my ass.

A shiver of pleasure raced through me. “Fine. Just remember, I’m here for you. You’ll always have me.” And he would. I’d never stop fighting for him, helping him. Loving him. I needed him to believe that with every fiber of my being, because if his control really was slipping, then I would be his rock.

He groaned and hoisted me up, knocking over a few books in the process. I giggled, and he pressed a long finger against my lips. Which I promptly sucked into my mouth. Dark eyes flashing, he devoured me with a single glance. He carried me across the room, pressing me hard against yet another bookshelf.

Nicking the soft skin of my neck with his teeth, he covered me in passionate kisses as he fumbled through random books. Tome after tome fell to the floor until his fingers snagged a muted-yellow binding, and the book partially gave way with a heavy click. The bookshelf at my back swung inward, and he carried me into his private study.

The door groaned to a close behind him. Gravelly and thick, his whispered words wreaked delicious havoc on my senses. “Never has there been a better use for that door.”


He kept my body flush to his chest. Freeing one arm, he knocked books and scattered parchment across his desk in an attempt to clear it. Inkwells toppled over, covering the pristinely carved wood with dark splatters as he set me amidst the glorious mess.

“You’ll ruin the varnish.” I couldn’t care less what it did to the desk, let alone my clothes and skin. I sounded breathless. Hungry. I hoped to the gods he didn’t stop to clean it up.

They answered in favor, and Noc growled, “I don’t care.” His hands dove under my sweater, yanking it off in one easy motion. The soft, white bralette was next, and he had no qualms utterly destroying that, either. Lace drifted to the floor, and he brought a tender hand to my body. An aching moan slipped from the back of my throat.

Voice thick with want, he stared openly at my exposed skin. “You are my everything.”

“As you are mine.” With a gentle caress, I traced the scar on his cheek. He turned, planting a kiss on my palm, and then nipped at my fingers. A devilish smirk claimed his lips and stoked a fire in my core. Laying me across the desk, against the ink and parchment and now broken feathered quills, he moved to my trousers. They were gone along with my undergarments before I could even register the spark of his fingers at my waist. For a moment, my mind jumped to the nightstand beside our bed where a vial of imperit was waiting. I’d been taking it regularly since our first time to prevent pregnancy. Had I taken a dose this week? Yes, I remembered, relaxing. We were safe for several more days.

“Gods,” he murmured, pulling my focus back to him. His glittering black gaze roved the entire length of my body. Left no inch of skin unappreciated. Placing his palms on either side of my head, he leaned down and captured my mouth in a kiss. “You’re beautiful.”

“And you’re entirely too clothed.”

“That can be fixed.”

Sitting up, I tore at his clothes until he was as naked as me. I traced the dips and grooves of his torso, and then I dropped my hands farther until he let out a graveled moan.

His long fingers danced down my spine, and a pleasant shiver rushed over my skin. I would never grow tired of his touch. Never shy away from the feel of his fingers on my body. He gripped my waist and pulled me to the edge of the desk. Slowly, our limbs intertwined, and we began moving as one. My entire world narrowed to his existence, to the feel of us. Pulse thudding in my ears, I let out a heady moan.

He palmed the expanse of my legs, and when his fingers grazed those scars, I swallowed a gasp. Not because of Wynn. Not because of the damage he’d done to my body and soul. But because Noc hadn’t even noticed them. Hadn’t skipped over them for fear of Copyright 2016 - 2024