The Frozen Prince (The Beast Charmer #2) - Maxym M. Martineau Page 0,106

came to Sentinels. Their blinding, magical columns of light could appear at a moment’s notice.

“Where, though?” Uncertainty rolled through my gut. The Nix Ikari only had enough power to transport us once. Wasting it by traveling to the wrong location could jeopardize Noc. I rubbed my temples and tried in vain to piece together a plan. “We know the Fabric Spinner was tamed, so a Charmer must be involved… I think Raven somehow found out we were here and ambushed us.”

“So Hireath?” Kost asked.

I let out quiet huff of frustration. “I’m not sure. If she is behind this, she’d want to keep him hidden. Which means he’s probably not in Hireath—why risk the Council finding him? She’d keep him somewhere close, though. Within reach for whatever she’s planning.”

“We can check Zane and the Fallen Leaders to see if it’s updated with any information pertaining to Noc’s capture.” Kost ran a stiff hand through his hair and then nodded. “It likely will not have specifics—that’s not how the magic works—but it may give us an idea of where to go.”

“And we can send out scouts.” Oz said. “We’ll be able to cover more ground quickly with our numbers.”

“Cruor, then.” Flexing my foot, I winced at the sharp pain shooting up my calf. Not enough to keep me from walking, but enough to slow me down. Standing, I ignored the flare of heat in my ankle.

Channeling power to my hand, I opened the beast realm and summoned the Nix Ikari. She returned mostly healed with just a slight pink tinge to her snowy fur. With a purr, she knocked her head into my arm.

“I’m going to call you Reine.” My eyes trailed the length of her lithe body. I’d likely have to sit in Oz’s lap, but we’d make do. It would only be for a moment, and I’d be sure to shower her with lots of love and handfuls of beast treats when this was all over.

“What now?” Oz eyed Reine with a furrowing brow.

“We climb on her back.” I felt myself smile. Zane and the Fallen Leaders would have answers. This was all going to work out. It had to.

Standing before her, I cupped her maw in my hands and nuzzled her head. “Hey, sweet girl. Can you take us home, please?” She huffed into my chest, but didn’t retreat when Oz and Kost approached her. I gave them a nod, and Oz hoisted himself onto her back first. Kost sidled in behind him. With one last loving pet down her muzzle, I moved to her side and reached for Oz’s hand. He pulled me up, and I settled into his lap.

“You all set?” Oz asked, tightening his thighs against Reine’s sides. She let out a disgruntled hiss.

I rubbed my hands along her neck. “Yes. Okay, Reine, whenever you’re ready. Take us to Cruor.”

Violet light bled from her spots and stretched before us like a mirage. The surroundings of Glacial Springs faded in an instant. A sudden pressure weighed down my limbs, and I struggled to breathe. Fingers tingling, I gripped my beast tighter for support. A dull ringing started in my ears, and just as I thought I would faint, Reine’s spots glowed fiercely again. Light stretched before us, and then suddenly we were home. Cruor. My heart gave a hopeful thud, and I hugged my newly tamed beast tight.

Noc was within reach.



A sickening rip broke through the silence in my brain as the spider tore sticky webs away from my head. Still wrapped tightly in a cocoon, my arms and legs were immobilized. I tried in vain to summon my shadows. To attack her or cut away at the cocoon. But it was as if the creature’s web canceled out my powers, and nothing happened. She surveyed me with beady eyes. What did she want? Where had she taken me? A far-off grating howl rolled through the mouth of her cave, and she tossed a cautious look toward the opening.

My mind reeled. I knew that sound. Those bone-scraping calls were a constant backdrop in my world. Somewhere in Kitska Forest, then. How we’d managed to travel such a great distance in so little time baffled me. At least I hoped it hadn’t been long. A dull ache still simmered from the impact of my head against that boulder, but I was alive and familiar with my surroundings. All I needed was to slip into the shadows. Race through the wretched woods to Cruor and find a way to Copyright 2016 - 2024