The Frozen Moon - By J.D. Swinn Page 0,19

as hers must have been. Both were scratched and cut up, dried blood crusted to bare skin, especially on Nameh’s hands which had nearly been inside her vampire assailant’s chest.

“You made it,” he said, his voice betraying happiness.

“So far. Have you found anyone else?” The words spilled from her lips, and she was unable to contain the hopefulness in them. He cringed at the words; she knew his answer. “We’ll find them,” she said, not sure who she was trying to reassure. In this brief moment of refuge, she noticed what she hadn’t before: less pixies and vampires now flooded about them. They were winning. But at what cost?

“I was trying to protect Gwen and Eve, but we got separated. It’s hard to see anything in here.” As he spoke, they were now moving, weaving through confrontations, almost at the back of the room now. Having a familiar face by her side was a comfort, and she was glad that it had been Seth; he had an air of confidence that was penetrating. Something silvery caught her eye, flying gracefully through the air and landing with a clatter at her feet. She bent and picked it up with a swift movement, keeping her eyes up to avoid a surprise attack. She cradled the thing in her hands as it dripped blood onto her already crusted hands. The familiar shape of the object felt right in her hands, and she replaced it in its sheath.

“The dagger I gave to Cal,” she explained before he could ask. “He’s got to be near here.” Determination filled her voice as it filled her mind, engulfing her thoughts. He gave her a steady and knowing look, the unbroken gaze that she had found nearly disarming before. Now, she found it comforting and understanding, but comfort was not what she sought. What she sought was pain.

She turned from his cool blue eyes and scanned her surroundings. From the corner of her eye, she saw a dark group, denser than the rest of the crowd. Three ominous vampires and two bleached pixies were gathered into a small circle, creating a queer contrast of colors. The sight was too strange to pass of as coincidence, the way they held their bodies, and the way they stood together told her something was amiss. She motioned for Seth to follow her, and they plunged through the crowd again toward the circle. As they approached, she could make out a shadowed figure facing the small menacing crowd, the black hair falling about his face was the first thing she recognized.

“Cal,” she breathed. He stood, fighting bravely against his heavily advantaged opponents. They did not all attack at once, but rather in turn, creating a continuous cycle of blows. He struck out at one of the vampires, taking it by surprise and cutting through its heart. She couldn’t help but grin at his kill as she rushed to his aid. She and Seth worked in perfect tandem, each cutting down a pixie, the enemies that were closest to them. Cal took advantage of the attention drawn to them, and struck through another vampire. This left just one, now fearful for its life, but still looking leagues away from pitiful. Out of a sense of deepened sorrow, she briefly scoured her heart for some shred of mercy, some desire to preserve the life of some monster that had once been human. She hit walls everywhere she searched, finding nothing but sheer destructive force and dark intentions.

Cal struck out at the final assailant with a smooth, fluid motion that connected to his last. The sight created the effect of watching a bird of prey, graceful and powerful in the same moment. The three stood with chests heaving for a moment, separated from the main battle by a few feet. They were all covered in the tiny, razor-like cuts from claws that were much more painful than they appeared. She found it amusing that the first thing out of Cal’s mouth was an apology.

“I’m sorry,” he breathed. “The one that attacked you was the leader of a small band. The rest of them, there must have been ten, tried to bring me down.” He paused, breathing and searching for the words, “I should have been able to take them, and then help you.” She couldn’t help but laugh at the words.

“I’m a big girl, you know. I can take care of myself.” She gave him a grin and raised her eyebrows.

“No kidding. You shouldn’t have Copyright 2016 - 2024