Frosting Her Christmas Cookies - Alina Jacobs Page 0,133

my surprise when I watched the security feed and saw my own fiancée stealing the car.”

Holly was chagrined. “We were in a rush.”

“We were trying to save your baby brother from a lifetime of being shackled to crazy,” Lilith added.

Owen looked around.

“Now that everyone is here,” Jonathan said, “can I please make my grand gesture and apology statement?”

“I don’t need a grand gesture,” I told him. “So long as we don’t eat Waffle House for Christmas.”

“Nothing wrong with Waffle House!” Holly piped up. “I was a waitress at Waffle House. I looked damn fine in my uniform too!”

“My grand gesture,” Jonathan cut in.

“Owen, move your car so I can leave,” Greg ordered. “The holidays are bad enough without all these hysterics.”

Owen crossed his arms. “No. If I have to hear it, so do you.”

“Get on with it!” Dorothy called out. “I have to make my famous Christmas punch. I’m contributing that to your party!”

Jonathan jumped onto the hood of the car we had borrowed from Owen and shushed him when he complained. “Morticia,” he began, “you are everything I always wanted for Christmas. When I dreamed of finding the love of my life, I dreamed of it happening during the perfect Christmas with food, family, and laughter. Now I’ve found you, and that makes this the best Christmas ever. Well, that and the fact that it’s a white Christmas,” he said.

I smiled and crossed my arms.

“Since I ruined your plans to work for the Getty Museum, I’m offering you a substitute. I am starting a foundation to run events and manage the resident artists at the new Hamilton Yards development. You can be in charge if you want. I know it’s not as great as the Getty, but you’ll have a multimillion-dollar annual budget and a nice office that will let you bring pets to work.”

Salem, who was licking the snow off of Cindy Lou’s face, meowed.

I thought about it. “Sounds like a lot of work,” I said finally.

“You can hire interns,” Jonathan added.

Interns. I could boss them around, make them fetch my tea, mold them into my own vision for what a true artist should be.

“Then I accept,” I told him.

Jonathan smiled with relief.

“This is insane,” Greg stated.

“Did you bring the key fob?” Holly asked Owen. “Because I turned off the car without thinking, and if you didn’t, Morticia will have to hot-wire it again.”

It took a minute to sort out the car situation. Owen didn’t want Holly driving it with all the wires hanging out, so she commandeered his other car, much to his chagrin.

Lilith left with Belle to talk about job opportunities.

Keeley tried to throw herself at Wilder, who seemed ready and willing to have another go before Greg snapped at him and stuffed him back into their car.

Trevor would have left Sarah and ridden off into the Bud Light sunset, but his radiator was busted. They started arguing about who was going to keep the china in the divorce.

Jonathan and I picked up our respective cats then slowly walked back into his condo building.

“I think we’re just going to have to let natural selection take its course on that one,” I said as we rode the elevator upstairs.

He kissed me outside the condo then twirled me around inside.

He grinned. “At least I have Christmas china!” He pushed me against the long reclaimed-wood table, which was set for Christmas dinner.

I ran my fingers through his hair as his hands went up my skirt, making me moan. I had missed this!

“You’re an insatiable asshole,” I told him.

He smirked. “And you can’t get enough of me, so it all works out, really.”

He encouraged me to bend myself over the table, and I didn’t need much prodding to go along with him. We had built a strong enough rapport that we knew how to please one another completely without even saying words anymore.

I needed him now. When the craving hit me, it hit me super hard.

He pulled my panties down, dropped his slacks just enough to reveal his cock, and rolled the condom over it. Then, with nothing else left to do, he impaled me right then and there.

Lightning tore through me, and I cried out. He filled me completely. The surge of ecstasy spread through me again and again as he started to fuck me. I was already murmuring and trying to keep myself together.

His hands wrapped around my body, feeling me up through my dress. My nipples perked up, yearning for his touch. His roaming hands pulled me Copyright 2016 - 2024