Frosting Her Christmas Cookies - Alina Jacobs Page 0,127

and I kicked you to the curb. Victory smells so good. He and I are spending Christmas together, of course.”

“Doubtful,” I said.

“You better believe it,” she replied. “I was just on a talk show with him.” She looked me up and down. “Of course, he wasn’t going to want you for real. You’re just a garbage girl with no parents and stalker tendencies. I’m the one he loves and has always loved. I’ve been pulling the strings this whole time! You were never going to be with him. He’s vulnerable and heartbroken right now due to Keeley’s and your betrayal,” she bragged. “Now’s my time to move in and remind him how much he loved me.” She laughed. “I’m ovulating right now. I just have to convince him to sleep with me, and I’ll get pregnant. Then Jonathan is mine forever!”

I stood up, eyes narrowed. As angry as I was at Jonathan, I would not allow him to be tied to my insane cousin for the rest of his life.

“Just try me.”



I spent all night moping about Morticia.

Had I been too harsh with her? If I had just come at it a different way, said that I saw the collage and that I was fine with it, and could we please get back together, then maybe all would have been forgiven, and I could have had the merry Christmas I dreamed of. Instead, I had blown it. I’d had the perfect chance to win her back and salvage the real estate deal.

Now it was morning. I had had no sleep. I was hungover. And I had a meeting with the Svenssons and Dorothy.

Cindy Lou Who sat outside the shower as I stood under the freezing water, trying to clear my head. Unfortunately, the cold couldn’t clear my broken heart.

Greg and Carl Svensson were waiting in the lobby of my office building when I headed in.

“Your receptionist said that Dorothy is already upstairs,” Carl told me as we headed to the elevators.

“I don’t know why you’re late,” Greg spat without even greeting me. “Considering that Carl said you left early last night.”

I yawned.

“Do you even care about this deal?” Greg demanded.

Turning to him, I replied, “Honestly, no. I just lost the love of my life because I was stupid.”

“And you’re about to lose the deal of a lifetime if you don’t shape up,” Greg warned. “The old lady seems to like you. Don’t screw this up for me.”

Dorothy was pouring whiskey into her coffee when we walked in. “You boys are up early!”

“Got enough of that to share?” I asked her.

She slid the mug over to me and patted my hand.

Greg started in. “First, I just wanted to thank you for meeting with us on such short notice,” he said smoothly. “We understand that Jonathan has not been conducting himself in a manner befitting the type of individual Svensson Investment does business with. We would be more than happy to continue pursuing the Hamilton Yards development without Mr. Frost on the team.”

I stared at Greg. “You’re throwing me under the bus!” I said in shock.

“Jonathan,” Greg said irritably, “you lied to Dorothy and manipulated Morticia.”

“It was your idea,” I snarled at him.

“Don’t be preposterous!” Greg thundered. “Ms. Dorothy, don’t believe a word Jonathan says. He’s a liar. I can assure you that he won’t be doing business in Manhattan again.”

I started to protest, but she cut me off.

“Honestly, Greg,” Dorothy remarked. She took a sip of her whiskey and coffee. “I just called this meeting as a courtesy to you all. I know you put a lot of work into this development proposal. However, I have decided to go with another development company. It’s not personal; they just offered me a better deal.”

“Who is it?” Greg demanded. “Is it the Harringtons? Or is it the Holbrooks?”

“I’m not going to divulge anyone’s trade secrets, and nothing’s been officially signed—still have to have the lawyers look over everything—but I’m sure you’ll hear soon enough.” She pushed her chair back and downed the rest of the coffee.

“Merry Christmas, boys. I hope Santa brings you something nice.”

There was going to be nothing nice for me for Christmas.

Christmas Eve was in less than twelve hours. I had told my brothers I was going to host a Christmas Eve party. However, I hadn’t even shopped for it. I didn’t have the energy to even try and pretend I knew how to put a menu together. I had been banking on Morticia and my mom being there. In Copyright 2016 - 2024