Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,97

his lips grew thin.

“It looks like your little sleeping spell doesn’t work on me anymore.”

“No, it’s not that. He’s protecting you.”


“Even if he doesn’t want to, he’s protecting you. Elena, fight this.”

I laughed again. I sounded so evil, so amazingly powerful. “Fight it. I’ve never felt this before. It’s fucking amazing.”

“Don’t do this. Whoever you are, don’t do this to my friend.”

“Don’t do this to my friend. It’s still me, idiot.”

“No it’s not. The Elena I know would never try to choke anyone to death, not even her worst enemy, or force a dragon to make an oath. You know what will happen to me if I ever break that.” He sniffed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand.

“Oh, poor Cheng,” I cried animatedly. “Aw we gonna cry?”

“Stop it. I need to get back to the academy.”

“To do what, Cheng?” I yelled as he stopped the car and I realized that we were right in front of the academy.

“To save whoever is trying to claim your dragon.”

“He’s not my dragon!” I yelled again.

“Whatever, princess.”

“Yeah, that’s right. I’m the princess of Paegeia, and you just remember your promise.”

“Go fuck yourself! How’s that for speaking to royalty?”

He morphed and got ready to fly. I grabbed his one talon and didn’t even mind the cuts it made into my hand. The blood that seeped out of me looked so amazing. I tasted it and loved the saltiness. I wanted to taste more.

He threw me onto the ground right before the gate shifted back. I was still wondering what Cheng could do. His theories weren’t the only things that wretched man wanted.

“I don’t buy that you only have your theories,” I said when he morphed back and threw the robe that he carried in his other claw over himself.

“I don’t care what you think.”

I followed him as he marched through the main gate and down the cobblestone path to the main building. He opened the door and I slipped in after him.

“Let me think. You can read minds?” I started to guess.

“No, we aren’t as psycho as you,” he said.

“Is that supposed to hurt me? I don’t read minds.”

He turned around and I almost bumped into him. “Oh, I forgot, you just hear one. Your dragon’s.”

“I didn’t hear his mind. It was Paul who put thoughts and things into my head.”

He winced. “Really, Elena? Whatever makes you sleep better at night, sweetheart.” He turned around again and walked faster.

I just rolled my eyes and followed him.

Think Elena, Think. You were a Rubicon. You had his ability, what can you do…he promised way too fast…. “You sneaky little bastard. You can show people the truth, can’t you. That is why the Khumutsi wanted you. How does it work Cheng?”


“Don’t deny it. You promised way too fast.”

“Because you had your freakin’ hands around my neck, I couldn’t breathe and I didn’t want to die. I have a rider who is still young. I am his protector and I wasn’t going to let this lunatic take that away from him.”

“You are so sentimental, Cheng. You bring tears to my eyes.” I burst out laughing again.

Cheng shook his head and started walking again.

“Tell me, how does it work? Cara used to show me everything, but I was too stupid to think that was our little special way of communicating. How, Cheng?”

“Screw you.”

“You wish. How?” I pushed again. “A touch,” I asked and it made sense.

He stopped again.

“Yes, by a touch you freaking maniac,” he said.

I got closer to him. All the jokes gone.

“Promise you won’t show them either.”

He smiled.

“I said promise, or I’ll go give Andreas a little visit right now.”

His face froze. “Elena, snap out—”

“Promise!” I yelled.

“Fine, I promise I won’t use any ability to tell anyone who you are, but I also promise you this. If you hurt Andreas, I will kill you myself.”

“Awesome. Now let’s go and see who is going to get their ass kicked,” I said and started to skip toward the Coliseum.

“Girls, freaking fucking headaches,” I heard Cheng mumble.

As we came near to the Coliseum I heard a familiar song. It hit me straight in a place I didn’t want to be hit. It was Lucian. Lucian had come back. I ran to the Coliseum and was surprised when Cheng was right beside me. The main gate to the Coliseum was shut and I looked up the wall.

You’re not a dragon anymore, there is no way you will be able to make it.

“Here,” Cheng yelled. “This gate is open.”

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