Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,95

no choice.”

“You’re wrong. You always have a choice.”

“Elena they’ll force you.”

I stared at him for a while. Glaring was more like it. “I thought you were my friend. I saved your life. She saved your life.”

“And I’m super grateful for that. Just remember one thing: if I hadn’t been there, you would’ve been dead. My debt is paid.”

I started to laugh. “That’s your answer? I can’t believe you’re going to trade me in.” All laughter was gone and if I still had Cara I would’ve incinerated his ass on the spot.

I got up and left.

“Pack, we need to leave soon.”

“Fuck you,” I yelled back at him and the group of men all stared at me with huge eyes as I darted past them.

Cheng literally carried me to the Range Rover like my father used to. Without Cara’s strength my kicks and punches got me nowhere. He was determined to get me back to Dragonia and would have even tied me up if I had carried on fighting.

He chucked me onto the front seat and my head hit the back of the seat hard. When he shut the door, he locked it at the same time. I hammered on it fiercely as I refused to go back and face my destiny. Who in their right mind would claim a beast like Blake Leaf? They’d had to sedate him for the past couple of months just to be able to handle him.

Cheng’s door opened next to me and before I could slide over and escape that way, he slid down onto his seat.

I sat back in my chair, crossed my arms and ground hard on my teeth. Now that I was human again my tear ducts were once again connected to my emotions and angry tears threatened, but I wasn’t going to give this dragon I’d thought was my friend the satisfaction.

I stared out the window at the view, but I took nothing in as my mind was filled with rage. How dare he do this to me? How on earth was I going to claim Blake? He knew who I was, he could’ve just told me that night and Brian would still be alive. I wouldn’t have been in that cave with Paul because I would have known he was lying through his teeth when he’d told me I was his rider, and Lucian would still be alive. He’d made Cara wake up, made me love her, and then become the reason that I’d had to kill her. How on earth did any of them expect me to claim him?

Around eight Cheng pulled over near a couple of trees. He opened a huge packet of chips and shoved them in front of me. “Eat, you need your strength for tomorrow.”

“I’m not—”

“Don’t say it. You will claim him Elena, so help me, and you are going to need all the strength you can muster to do it.”

“You can’t make me,” I hissed at him like an angry cat.

“Yeah, watch me. Now eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Fine, suit yourself,” he spoke a couple of Latin words and stared at me for a couple of seconds.

The anger disappeared first, then all my thoughts followed. I couldn’t remember what I was even doing in the car or who Cheng was. Next came the numb feeling. It started from my toes and spread to my tongue. Before I could even ask what the hell was happening to me, my eyelids became heavy and everything faded until all was black.

WOKE UP WITH a mother of a headache. It took a couple of minutes to realize where I was and what had happened. Birds chirping loudly outside made me furious. I finally managed to open my eyes and saw that it was morning. Something wasn’t right though.

My sight was halved, the edges around the images I saw were a dark red. They reflected perfectly what I felt inside. Hatred. Hatred for this stinking world, for these trees and those birds mocking me with their cheerful chirps. Something moved next to me, and I found him.

The person pretending this whole time to be my friend. He was the enemy and right now, I was in his captivity, taken as his hostage.

Not this time, CHENG!

I leapt onto his lap and my hands found his throat before his eyes could even open. When they did he just stared at me. I could feel his veins against the tight grip of both my hands on his neck.

“Now, you listen to me. You will promise Copyright 2016 - 2024