Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,87

“Why did we move so much?”

“Other dragons found out about you, they just had to look at you once and they knew who you were. Not all of them wanted to protect you. Fox was one that was desperate to kill you, but there were twelve groups of dragons that vowed to protect you. They always found a way to warn your father, before they died. That is why he didn’t register us with the council. Because he couldn’t let them find you.”

Tears glistened in my eyes as I thought about my dad. How much he must’ve hated me in the beginning, knowing that I killed his daughter.

“You have to kill Cara, sweetheart.”

“Are you insane?” I yelled. “I can’t kill her. She is mine.”

“She’s not yours. Blake is your dragon and when he turns, Elena he will take you with him. Your bond was supposed to be made a long time ago, you weren’t supposed to wait like this.” She was starting to get angry now.

“Kill Cara, or I’ll do it myself.”

“She’s your daughter, still.”

“That isn’t my little girl in there, it’s something else.”

“I can’t kill her. I won’t kill her and I don’t care what happens to me.”

“Then your mother and father died for nothing.”

“Well, she couldn’t have loved me that much if she gave me away.”

Tanya slapped me across the face. “You have no idea what that woman went through when she gave you up. Now go to your room.”

“You’re not my mother,” I yelled.


I turned around and just ran down the hall. I flew into the first room I found and fell on the bed. My cheek still hurt from Tanya’s slap. How dare she, how dare they? I didn’t understand any of this. Who I was, what I was supposed to do.

Tears flowed down my cheeks, but I refused to wipe them away. I couldn’t kill Cara, she gave me something I’d never had before: strength and courage. She’d gotten rid of my fear, she’d given me freedom. I would die if I killed her. She was mine and I loved her with all of my heart.

I fell asleep and found myself on that hill again.

Queen Catherine was waiting for me.

I ran to her this time. I’d never felt this much anger, betrayal and rejection before. “Why didn’t you keep me?” I yelled and she just stared at me.

Tears sparkled in her eyes and for the first time she moved toward me. Her touch felt so real, she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed so tight. “I love you so much,” she said and pushed me away so she could see my face. The kind Queen Catherine from the pictures stared back at me. She stroked my face gently. “You look so much like your father.” A tear rolled down her cheek and her head touched mine gently. “I would’ve done anything to keep you, my sweet, sweet girl. But I couldn’t.” She smiled. “You finally know the truth, I can rest in peace.”

WOKE UP AND had no idea what the time was. When I went outside I found Tanya in the kitchen. She was brewing something. Cheng lay on the couch sleeping and unharmed.

Relief that he was safe washed over me. I almost wanted to curl up beside him and just lie on the couch right next to him, but he looked so peaceful.

I covered my nose with my sleeve, blocking the stench of whatever Tanya was brewing. When she heard me she turned around.

“You must be hungry, come sit.” She pulled out a chair.

“When did he come back?” I gestured to the sleeping Cheng as I took the seat in front of the breakfast nook.

“Around five.”

“Did you tell him who I am?”

She nodded.

That’s just great.

“Elena, I’m so sorry about Lucian. I know how you felt about him.”

“You know nothing.”

“He told me about the two of you.”

“Did you tell him who I was?”

“I couldn’t because of the vow I had made with your mom. He guessed it right on the first time.”

“What do you mean the first time?”

“It was like he knew, he just wanted confirmation.” She smiled at me softly as she put a plate of bread, ham and cheese in front of me. “I was shocked to learn that you were inside of Paegeia and couldn’t understand why Jako didn’t tell the council who you were. When he told me that Jako died, and that Matt brought you here without giving an explanation as to who you were, I realized he’d never Copyright 2016 - 2024