Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,8

me well.” She had a huge grin on her face but for some reason I didn’t see the humor in it.

“So, you’re a Rubicon?” Becky said right behind me. I turned around.

“I didn’t try by any chance to zap your ass too, right?”

She shook her head and laughed. “George and I are way too fast.”

“Be careful, this room might be too small for that head of yours,” Sammy said.

“Whatever,” Becky sang. The vibe that had emerged from their constant fighting ever since I’d turned into a dragon grew thicker with each silent second. It felt as if it was going to drown me.

I shook my head slightly. “Can you guys just please stop?” I begged. “This has been going on for far too long. I’ll try to embrace this, if you guys just go back to normal, okay?” I looked at both of them.

Ever since I’d become a dragon I’d struggled with accepting it. Sammy had given me space but Becky, well, she was being Becky.

We fought a lot and she would tell me that I was a coward for not accepting it. To her, being a dragon was hot, and she would have given anything to be one.

Sammy didn’t like Becky’s way of helping me to deal with this, and where she was usually soft and laid back, she’d changed and become a cat whenever Becky didn’t back off. It led to a lot of fighting and a lot of awkward moments.

“Sorry,” Sammy said and gave Becky a hug, who in return grabbed me, pulling me into their embrace too.

“I’m sorry too. I know I’m a hard ass, but I hate seeing you guys like this.”

“It’s just difficult,” I said. “Sammy you know exactly who you are, I just found out. I don’t know how to be a dragon. I meant it when I said that I didn’t like the way she makes me feel…. how on earth did I became a Rubicon?”

They both started to laugh.

Becky let go of Sammy but kept her arm wrapped around my neck. “Ever since you came here, mystery was written all over your face. It’s time you just went with the flow girl.”

“Easier said than done.”

“No, somehow you always find a way to just be okay with everything. You’ll see, before you know it you’ll be just as badass as Sammy.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of, being a badass dragon.” A serious tone laced my voice again.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Becky said shaking her head.

“I’m a Rubicon, Becky. I’m going to turn evil too, it’s just a matter of time.”

“Over my dead body,” Sammy yelled.

“Mine too.”

“What if I need the beatings too?”

“You know what, let’s not speculate please. We’ll deal with it if we get there,” Becky said.

All three of us nodded.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds before Sammy chuckled. “Now I finally get why my brother was so into you whenever he was drunk. It was her that drew him closer.”

DIDN’T FEEL HUNGRY that night, skipped dinner, and went to bed early. My dragon form really drained my energy.

When I walked into the cafeteria the next morning everyone stared at me. There were even a couple of Dragonians whispering about trying to claim me. I rolled my eyes at that piece of information. As if I was going to be an easier claim than Blake. If they knew her the way I was starting to, they wouldn’t be thinking that.

Around ten, Master Longwei’s voice came from the speaker system. “Elena Watkins come to the office, please.”

Professor Pheizer, who’d helped us with developing our abilities while we’re in human form, nodded her head and I packed my books and left.

She wasn’t so helpful anymore and even limited her advice, but I still saw the question in her eyes of what I was whenever I found her staring at me. She would look away of course, but my dragon eyes were a lot faster than hers. Sometimes that second that our eyes met felt like minutes before she’d drop her gaze. It was hard to explain, I just felt . . . different.

I found Master Longwei behind his desk and he gestured with his hand to the chair in front. I took a seat. He held both his hands with his fingers rested against one another in front of his mouth. “You need help, Elena.”

I huffed. “What’s new?”

His lips curved into a smile and he dropped his hands as he moved his chair underneath his desk. He took a deep Copyright 2016 - 2024