Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,45

“Not to worry, dearest Elena. I got you a ticket and a dress.”

“You are the best,” I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I know, I’ll be here all week.”

She guided me to the bed and for the next couple of hours we tried on dresses with all the undergarments and corsets. It took about half an hour just to get in and out of one, but it was the most fun I’d had in a long time. I’d gotten lucky with a dress that transformed me into some type of frost princess. It was gorgeous. It snugged my torso beautifully, even pushed up my breasts and showed a bit of cleavage, but not the slutty kind.

The fabric reminded me of snowflakes, and the bottom of my white dress fanned out in a beautiful ice-blue color.

“Elena, that dress was made just for you,” Sammy said with admiration.

“I love this. It is gorgeous.” I looked at my figure in the mirror and then at Becky. “Where did you get these dresses?”

“Mom dropped them off about an hour ago. She’s been in Elm for the past couple of days shopping for the ball and everything. She even said she will make our masks, if we decide on the dresses.”

“Elena is going to be the snow queen.”

“I should really try to harness my frost.”

“Tabitha is not going to like that.”

“Screw Tabitha. She’s not the only frost princess in town,” I said with a twinge of jealousy in my tone.

The girls laughed.

Blake popped into my mind. I wondered if he would even be there. Maybe he was one of those guys that didn’t even like dances, that would be a shame.

I crawled into bed thinking about the ball and really started to wonder if Blake had some sort of a link with me. If he could hear and see what I was thinking. That would be just my luck.

I closed my eyes and in a couple of seconds I started dreaming about dresses and knights hiding behind different masks.

HE NEXT DAY I saw all the banners about the Testrial ball. Maybe a ball was exactly what I needed. To just enjoy myself with Becky and Sammy. Then Dean and George popped into the picture too, and although I’d gotten really close to both of them, in a brotherly kind of way, I still felt like the odd one out.

I met Blake on the mountain, but we had to cut it short on the Thursday because Becky had gotten permission to go and meet Lucille to pick up our masks.

“Elena it’s just a ball.”

“I don’t care. I’m sick and tired of practicing how to be a Rubicon. Arianna’s threats have to wait for now.” I walked behind the tree to shift back into my dragon figure. “Let me guess, you don’t like dances and dress-up?”

“Is that even a question?” he asked and I giggled.

“So I’ll take that as a no.” I stepped out from behind the tree.

He just chuckled. “So, I’ll meet you here tomorrow?”

I shook my huge dragon head. “Nope, I have to get ready for the ball.”


“One day is not going to make me worse. I need a break. Go do something with Tabitha, you guys are still together, right?” I couldn’t believe I’d just asked him that.

“Yes,” he said in a sarcastic tone.

“There you go, see you on Monday,” I said and dove off the cliff.

“See what I mean?” Cara said.

“It’s not like that.”

“Yeah right. That boy feels exactly the same way about you as you do about him.”

“You haven’t met Tabitha yet.”

“I don’t need to.”

I giggled at Cara’s comment. She sure knew how to make someone feel special and I was glad that she was a part of me.

At three the tram stopped right in front of the Bayside Inn where we’d stayed a couple of months back for the King of Lion’s revealing.

Lucille had been living in one of the suites for the past week.

When she opened the door, I received a big embrace and a kiss on the cheek. Sammy and Becky were next.

“So, where are the masks?”

“Patience,” Lucille answered her daughter and led us into the small lounge area that was right in the middle of the gigantic suite.

She disappeared into another room while Becky made us some coffee.

Lucille carried three boxes and placed them gently on the table. Becky thrust our cups into our hands and went for the boxes.

Her mother just stared at her with a slight twitch, tucking in the corner of her Copyright 2016 - 2024