Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,34

rocks and started to bend it. I couldn’t stop watching him. “I woke up from a strong jolt the night Matt brought you here.”


He didn’t look at me, but kept bending the weed. “I’d never felt anything like that before so obviously I had to investigate. Lucian woke up as I started to put on some clothes and wanted to know what the hell was going on. I told him something had happened and you know Lucian.”

I giggled. “He wanted to know as well.”

He nodded. “So we snuck to the infirmary and we heard Master Longwei and Constance speaking with Matt. He kept telling them that there is no way, kept talking about the wall and how no human could go to the other side if they are born inside Paegeia. That the girl isn’t who they think she is.”

“Me?” I asked and he nodded. “Who did they think I was?”

He looked at me. “Matt saw me, and motioned for me to hide. I knew that he would speak to me afterward. Lucian left after his curiosity was filled and I waited for Matt. I had this weird feeling inside of me the entire night that I couldn’t explain. When he found me, he told me about you and some details of the accident, but I swear he never mentioned Fox until the second time we met. He also told me about what he saw when he got a better look at you. He said that you didn’t respond and he was really worried and when he saw your mark, nothing made sense.”

“What didn’t make sense?”

“Why he never knew about you or your father, and if your father was a dragon how the hell you ended up with the mark of the riders.”

“That makes two of us.”

“For a long time people thought that you were somebody else. That your father wasn’t your Dad at all.”

I thought about my dream, about what Paul said. People knowing who I was but not telling me. “What?”

“Why do you think when you walk into a place everybody stares at you, Elena?”

“I don’t know.”

“Because of who you remind them of.”

“Who?” I give an irritated laugh. It felt like déjà vu and I knew that somehow I wasn’t going to hear the part I so badly wanted to. Like something was going to happen.

He took a deep breath and I could see the invisible wall covering him again.

No, no, no, please…

“It doesn’t matter now, you’re not that person, you’re just somebody that looked like him. We should get started and you should concentrate on mastering your gifts.”

He dropped the conversation right there. I just gaped for a while and knew that Blake wouldn’t say anymore.

“Fine, so how do I do this?” I asked, using one of my frustrated tones.

“You’re angry?”

“You started telling me this story and then you just drop it out of thin air. You have no idea how much shit I have to deal with and this will just go on top of that pile.”

“Elena, it doesn’t matter anymore. You are a dragon. It is not going to help you to move on. That is why I stopped telling you that stupid story. You are like me, that is why I woke up that night, nothing else.”

“I still want to know who they thought I was.”

“It doesn’t matter. You have to concentrate on what you are, not what everyone thought you were.”

“Fine! But I have no idea how to concentrate now I’m worrying about your stupid story.”

“I know it’s hard, but it will get better. I really should’ve kept my mouth shut.” He smiled again. He was enjoying every single moment of this.

“Fine.” I sounded like an annoyed little girl. “How do you do it?”

“Close your eyes.”

“You’re not going to kiss me, are you?” I joked and he laughed.

“I promise.”


He chuckled. “Concentrate and see your flame.”

I did what he said and thought about the pink flame I’d seen on his finger.

“Now fill in the details. The pink in the middle, the red and purple edges, feel its warmth spreading from your fingertips to the middle of your palm.”

I listened to the deep tone of his voice, and I swore I could feel my palm getting hotter and hotter.

“Now open your eyes.”

I did and saw a ball of fire in the palm of my hand. I shook my hand fast and the flame disappeared.

“Elena, you need to control it.”

“It’s not normal.”

“Nothing is this side.”

I rubbed my hand against my robe and took another deep breath.

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