Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,20

opened my eyes again I was back in my human form and quickly pulling the robe over my head. I looked at the scrapes on my arms and my eyes grew as they started to close up, leaving only blood on my skin.

“Your healing ability is working faster than I thought it would. Blake really struggles with that one.” Constance had admiration in her tone.

“I guess watching you taught me something,” I joked.

She put her arm around me and we walked to the infirmary. Inside I quickly jumped into the shower and when I got out, you wouldn’t have guessed that I had been in a collision with the earth a couple of minutes before.

The main entrance was back to normal and the tree that had been on its side was back in its spot and birds chirped form its branches once again.

Constance touched my skin and did a full inspection to make sure that there was no harm done and when she was happy she gave me a smile and a cup of tea.

“So where is Blake?” We sat down on the three chairs inside her office.

“The idiot left me.”

“He chucked you into the deep end.” Julia’s didn’t sound pleased.

I nodded.

She sighed. “You’ve got to admit, Elena, it is the only way you’ll learn.”

“Yeah, besides, I wasn’t really alone. Cara was with me.”

“Cara?” Constance looked at Julia and back at me. “Who is Cara, Elena?”

“My dragon.”

Julia laughed. “You gave your dragon a name?”

I frowned at her statement and laughed too.

“Yes,” I understood now why Blake didn’t believe Cara’s response. It wasn’t normal to have a second entity living inside of you. “She’s easier to deal with that way,” I lied.

“You sure are one special little lady,” Constance said.

I swallowed a big sip and the heat from the tea burned my throat slightly, but not as much as the Fire Powder had that day I’d taken a sip from Sammy’s hot chocolate. I sighed as the ache of missing those words coming from Lucian’s lips jolted through my heart.

“Sorry, I didn’t think.” Constance wrapped her arms around my shoulders and gave me a hug.

“You sure you can’t read minds?” I asked and she giggled. “It’s okay, at least I found a way to laugh again.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”

I left a few minutes later and found Blake at the bottom of the stairs in his normal clothes kissing Tabitha. Now I knew how Sammy felt that day and without thinking I pushed him away from her.

“You are such an asshole,” I spat. “How could you just leave me there?”

He laughed as Tabitha lunged at me but something invisible emerged from my body as my eyes fell on her and she smacked hard into it and fell on her ass.

Blake was at her side. “I know you’re pissed at me, but you don’t have to take it out on her.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

Tabitha was resting on one elbow as Blake’s hands slipped under her body to lift her up.

“Just stay away from me you freak,” she spat and left. Blake just gave me the scolding eyes and followed her up the stairs.

Cara was silent and I wished I could hear her again. By the time I reached the top of the stairs anger and frustration took over once more.

I’d had such a wonderful afternoon, why on earth did I feel like this?

The room was empty and I saw the time on Becky’s alarm clock. It was supper and to be honest I didn’t even feel that hungry.

I thought dragons ate like crazy.

I pulled my PJs on and crawled into bed.

Sleep came fast and before I knew it I found myself above the clouds again. The stars shone brightly, not to mention how big and bright the moon lit up the grounds.

I twirled and dove and the most amazing feeling appeared inside my gut as I heard Lucian’s excitement coming from my back.

I laughed and twirled again. He loved every second of it as much as I did.

Another dragon found us fast, one that looked exactly like me and I knew it was Blake.

“Elena, turn around now!” Lucian yelled and I didn’t know why his voice carried so much panic.

Blake came closer with a frenzied speed and I could sense something evil inside of him spreading my way.

“That’s an order, turn around.”

Pain jolted through my body and I did what he said, it left me the minute I turned around.

I woke up with a start, disoriented.

My lower lip started to Copyright 2016 - 2024