Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,18


I started to see through her eyes but it was more or less the same as the pond inside the Sacred Cavern. I wasn’t looking directly through her eyes but saw what she did through a memory. She was setting Blake’s dragon ass on fire, heck she gave him some of everything, but I had to admit, Blake was really good. He protected himself with an invisible shield and blocked every single one of her blows.

Even when he charged for the mountain, the bolts he didn’t dive away from he blocked instead.

He landed and she followed his lead.

I looked away when she landed too as Blake was back in his human form with both his arms in flames without a shred of clothes.

There was anger in his voice as he spoke to her, and it faded away leaving me with my thoughts again.

I closed my eyes thinking about all the things in my head. When I felt a soft, cool breeze against my skin, I opened them again.

I found Blake leaning against the tree with his eyes closed. He wore his robe again.

“I’m sorry,” I said.


I nodded and got the urge to stretch. I stood on all fours and my hind legs felt stiffer than the front ones. Before I realized what I’d done, my back arched and my butt moved towards the heavens.

That felt so good.

I found Blake’s eyes on me and he grinned as he looked away. “So that’s what it looks like when dragons stretch.”

I flopped on the floor again and gave him a sarcastic gurgle.

“Elena, you should deal with your anger.”

“How do you think I should do that, Freud?”

“See the Viden.”

“Oh please, she treats me just as badly…” I wanted to say “as you do”, but realized that Blake had actually gone out of his way to try and help me this time. He could’ve left me in that bed, but he hadn’t.

“I know she’s not an easy creature, but I also know she really wants to help you, Elena.”

“Why, now that I’m somebody special in her little black book?”

He squinted. “You have a prophecy?”

I looked away. “No. It’s just a saying,” I lied. I could tell by the look on his face he knew that I was keeping something from him. It wouldn’t help anyway as he wouldn’t know what any of it meant.

“Then talk to me.”

“You’re not very far from the Viden, Blake. I still don’t know why it is you are so eager to help me.”

“Because I benefit from it, Elena.”

“In what way?” Irritation started to rise up again. I knew he wouldn’t do this out of the kindness of his own heart. There must always be something in it for Blake, before Blake does anything for somebody else.

“When the time comes I’ll tell you. For now, just do as I say.”

“Urgh, you are so arrogant.” I got up and wanted to leave but the minute I came close to the edge my head started to spin again.

Blake chuckled behind me. “That height thing must really suck, huh?”

“Shut up,” I said and turned my back on the view and lay down again.

He got up. “Just because you are so rude, I think I’m going to go.” He pulled his robe off and shifted back into his dragon form again.

“You’re going to leave me here?”

He didn’t answer as he hauled himself off the mountain, and I realized that I’d just gotten my answer.

I shook my big head. Un-freakin-believable


HE SUN HAD started to set, leaving only orange and pink-purple clouds in the rapidly darkening sky. I huffed, and realized Blake wasn’t going to come back. Anger and a feeling of helplessness filled my core at the same time. I would do anything for Cara to take over again, but she wasn’t here.

I’m here, it’s nice to finally meet you, baby.

“Cara,” I said out loud.

The mutt left you, didn’t he?

“Yes,” I chuckled.

You can do this! You’re not a little helpless damsel in distress. Follow my instructions and I’ll get us back safely.

“There is one problem I don’t think you’re aware of.”

And what is that, Sugar?

“I’m afraid of heights.”

I could feel her suppressing her laughter. It was a weird feeling, one I couldn’t explain. It was as if I shared my body with someone else.

Afraid of heights, huh? Then I guess we’ll have to work on that one first. Tell me, why do heights make you scared?

“I don’t know, the falling part I guess.”

Honey, you’re a dragon. You won’t fall and if you do, you get back Copyright 2016 - 2024