Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,10

moment. “Just tell me where you want me to meet.”

He smiled at me. “There is a mountain right behind the…” He stopped and just stared at me for a short while. I, of course, stared back and gave him slightly raised eyes and a “what?” shrug. “What is it Elena, why the long face?”

“How do you suppose I get to that mountain Blake?”

“You can fly.” His tone was sarcastic.

“You really think that Ms. Hyde is going to remember to meet you there? Because I can promise you, she won’t.”

“Then I’ll just have to hunt you down,” he said in a flirty way. My eyes found Tabitha’s and I knew she’d heard it too as her jaw muscles twitched. She glared at Blake.

My heart beat a bit faster. For once Tabitha and I had something in common and it wasn’t fighting for Blake’s heart.

“Forget it, I’ll make peace with her on my own terms.” I didn’t need another Arianna on my case.

“Elena!” he yelled after me but I just kept walking. I could hear Tabitha protesting and it would be just my luck if she hadn’t known about this little arrangement at all.

“Would you slow down?” His voice was right behind me.

“Why do you want to help me all of a sudden, Blake?” My tone was harsh.

“I have my reasons, and once you’re ready, I promise I’ll share them.” He raised his eyes and smiled again.

What was it with him and all this grinning? It didn’t suit him. “Fine, whatever. But I’m not flying to some stupid mountain,” I mumbled.

“Then meet me behind the Parthenon dome,” he said abruptly and walked off in a different direction.

“What time?” I yelled and when he turned around I flapped his note in my hand. “Couldn’t decipher that one either.”

He chuckled. “At two.”

Two? Master Longwei hadn’t been kidding when he’d said it wouldn’t be like Latin. I really wondered what Blake was going to get out of this.

HAD FIVE MINUTES after the last bell of the day rang to get ready for my meeting with Blake. His sudden change in behavior still lingered on my mind, and I still didn’t trust the help he was offering.

Ever since I’d come to Paegeia Blake had developed a deep hatred towards me and now he treated me like I was his favorite type of Jell-O. But maybe Master Longwei was right, maybe Blake did have some answers for me because he was exactly like me.

At two, I ran down to the Parthenon dome. I waited in the front and I should’ve known that it was some sort of prank when he wasn’t there by quarter past.

As I stood there waiting I heard a deep growl from the back of the Parthenon dome and I went to investigate. I almost jumped out of my skin as I turned the corner and saw a huge purple-red dragon with sprouts all over his face lying on his belly like a cat.

He grunted.

“I didn’t know you were here, okay,” I said, but I knew it was useless as he didn’t understand a word I was saying.

He shook his head and it made a huge whooshing sound as it whipped through the air. He got up and I had to arch my neck back to look at him.

He sure was one ugly bugger, but at the same time, he was so damn beautiful as the sun sparked off the different colors of his scales. He stretched his back and I had to suppress my laughter as his huge butt rose into the air.

Well, at least I wanted to laugh again.

He darted upwards and took off, but not before grabbing me in his hulking talons.

I let out a cry as I dangled upside down, and another left my lips as he flipped me over in the air and caught me in his paw. “Are you crazy?”

My heart hammered a million beats a minute as a deep chuckling sound left his belly. Hell no, you didn’t just laugh at me. I felt like kicking the inside of the huge paw that carried me like an egg in a basket, but I didn’t, as I was afraid he would open up and drop me.

I closed my eyes as I clung onto one of his talons. The speed we flew at was crazy and it reminded me of the elevator again. My stomach dropped with the way he ducked and dove.

Silently, I wished he would stop fooling around and just fly straight like a normal dragon, but Copyright 2016 - 2024