Frost (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #3) - Candace Blevins Page 0,44

the third-level prospects would do a good job, eventually. Perhaps he had someone in mind for it.

There’s nothing quite like a motorcycle club starting up before a ride. It’d been even better when we’d had nearly fifty members, but now, with eleven members and nine prospects, it was still an impressive sound.

We followed Mad Dog east on Highway 20 a ways before heading south to the Talladega Scenic Drive. Eventually, we came out at the south end of the national forest, stayed on back roads until we hit Highway 65, and completed the circle by heading north, back towards Birmingham. However, we got off at the Oak Mountain exit and made our way to some land the MC had recently purchased. We'd bought it for the land and not the large warehouse, but since we hadn't demolished it, this was the perfect spot for our needs.

Mad Dog had told the prospects we’d have two follow cars today, the van with the sweetbutts, and a car with a special surprise.

And so, he led the two pro-subs into the warehouse, and I calmly helped him put partial bondage hoods on them. The hoods covered the eyes and top of the nose, but left the nostrils and mouth free, so the submissive could breathe. A bit gag kept them from easily forming words, but their orders were to beg for relief, to beg not to be hit anymore, and if Clean said they’d be understandable, I believed him.

Everyone in the room was a shapeshifter, so we could speak about it freely until we started filming. Mad Dog and Squatch had set up video cameras in several places around the warehouse to be sure we recorded all the action.

“Rules,” Clean told the prospects. “The zone is from five inches above the nipples to five inches above the knees on the front. The back is from the base of the neck to two inches above the back of the knees. Occasional kidney shots are fine, since they’re shapeshifters, but don’t overdo it. If you’re one of the first three people, don’t make them bleed. Four and five? We’ll see how they’re holding up, but it’ll probably be unavoidable. You each get twenty strikes of a belt, given in groups of five. Pause enough in between so we can mark them on the board.”

He looked around, and it seemed he met every prospect’s gaze. “Ya’ll have all figured out this is a test. You’ve seen us with the sweetbutts, but most of you haven’t had access to them. Today, you show us you can dole out measured punishments. Twenty strikes with the belt, and then fuck the bitch’s ass. No condoms today, so stay out of their cunts.”

Mad Dog stepped forward. “There’s a chalkboard beside each bitch. The order is important, so don’t jump the line. There are no safewords today, but Clean will make sure the rules are followed. He’s in charge — begin when he says, stop when he says.”

The submissive our cop would be belting was going to beg them to stop from the very beginning, through all five men. We’d given her the men we thought would be the roughest.

The other one only had four, and she’d cry and scream in pain as warranted, but wouldn’t beg for relief until her third person.

Each prospect was handed a note that said, “These women were found stealing money from the MC’s safe at the spa. We must make an example of them. Show us whether you deserve to be a brother in the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club. Punish the woman before you.”

I’d worried Skippy wouldn’t be up to the task, but I needn’t have. He gave a measured response that made me proud. Not too hard, but he didn’t take it easy on her, either. And then he held one leg up and fucked her ass with gusto, tearing into her and taking his pleasure with one of the fattest dicks I’ve ever seen. I mean, sure, he’s a raven and they’re known for that, but damn, the little guy had it going on.

By the time we got to the final prospect, the pro-sub had deep burgundy stripes, some of them weeping a little blood, and many of them already forming bruises.

It wasn’t hard to make out her weak, “Please. No more. Please don’t. I can’t. Stop, please. Begging. Stop.”

But the prospect stepped forward and tore into her. Five all at once, a brief pause while Clean marked them, then the next five, another Copyright 2016 - 2024