Frost (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #3) - Candace Blevins Page 0,4

then change to lynx and stay that way until morning.

“I’m going out to eat with someone and I have no idea what to wear.”

This was going to be tricky. How would the kids feel about me going on a date? I was pretty sure they all thought their dad and I would eventually get back together.

“Where are you going? And with who?”

Since I didn’t want Gil to know where or who, I couldn’t tell his daughter. We’d both agreed not to put the kids in the middle of our shit, which meant never telling them something and then guilting them into keeping it secret. “Super casual place. Barbecue and burgers. I think it’s a date. Maybe.”

A first date with someone who’s fucked me more times than I can count. Probably best not to say that part. I try to always be honest with the kids, but I didn’t need to be that honest.

Nora walked to my everyday section and got a pair of jeans, and then to my slut section and grabbed a tight-fitting shirt with horizontal stripes. “You’ll have to play around with belts, but I think the black leather one with the silver studs will work. Shoes are a toss-up — white sneakers, or black wedge heels, depending on the message you want to send.”

Something from both walls. Why hadn’t I thought of that? “How do you know this?”

“It’s fashion. I know fashion. Do you like this guy?”

“Probably. Maybe. I guess I’ll find out over dinner.”

She opened her mouth to say something, and I spoke before she could. “Yes, there’s stuff I’m not telling you, but nothing I’ve said is untrue. I should be home before ten, so you’re welcome stay here if you want, just make sure you let your dad and I know where you’ll be.”

That was the rule — she had to tell us in a group chat where she’d be. She’d gone to a friend’s house when I thought she was at Gil’s and Gil thought she was with me. She’d lost her phone and been grounded to her dad’s house for a week. I’d missed her, but I’d supported his decision.

“So, it’s like a date date?”

“I think it might be, but it’s been so long since I went on a date date, I’m not certain. How do you feel about me dating other men?”

“I don’t know. We know you did sex stuff with a bunch of men on the weekends for a while, and sometimes during the week, but dad does that too, with women, and it’s okay because we figured out it doesn’t mean anything.”

Right. I showered before I saw them, but even in human form, wolves can easily smell whether you’ve had sex with someone — or a bunch of someones.

“Well, at some point your father will start dating again, and you and your brothers will have to deal with that. Same goes for me, and maybe tonight will be the start of me dating again, or maybe it won’t.”

“Is he picking you up here?”

“No. I’m meeting him.”

And it was time to change the subject. I asked her how school went, and she was more than happy to tell me about her day, and about the latest high school dramas.

Chapter Three


I saw his bike when I pulled into the lot — black and chrome and sexy as fuck. He’d never ridden me on it, even though I’d hinted once that I’d love to go for a ride with him. The asshole hadn’t even acknowledged me when I’d asked. Though, come to think of it, I hadn’t technically asked.

Would he take me for a ride tonight, if I asked it as a blunt question? Did I want him to?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I checked it. Tell the hostess you’re with Frost. She’ll bring you to me.

He’d never texted me before, and I hadn’t given him my number. I decided not to ask him how he got it — I’d had to give it to Mad Dog, along with a bunch of other information, before I could become an official friend of the club, which was what had allowed me clubhouse privileges.

But I was no longer welcome on MC grounds. My own fault. I’d known what I was doing when I walked out.

The hostess gave me a curious once-over before she walked me to Frost, and their interaction when she seated me told me the two had fucked. No surprise, most of the bikers are man-whores. I had no problem Copyright 2016 - 2024