Frost (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #3) - Candace Blevins Page 0,37

will be paid accordingly. The sweetbutts will be masked so we don’t have to tell them.”

“Right,” I agreed. “We can tell the fuckwad he was on candid camera after the fact.” I sighed. “Ideally, we need him doing something that’ll get him booted from the force, but then we put ourselves at risk.”

“Not necessarily,” said Mad Dog. “We just have to be creative. A situation we tell him to handle, and we’re clear that figuring it out and doing it are the job. He isn’t to ask for help. So long as the easy way is illegal and the hard way is legal, and he has no idea he’s on camera...”

“Not just illegal,” said Squatch. “They can help rob a bank when they’re undercover, but they can’t shoot a hostage, for instance.”

Everyone was silent, and I assumed we were all thinking up a scenario.

“Think on it,” said Mad Dog. “I’ll remind everyone at church that a stage-one prospect doesn’t find out anything about the club. They’re the same as a hanger, trust wise. We don’t tell the membership because we don’t want him picking up on the fact we know what he is.”

“I know Brooke is creepy and expensive,” said Squatch, “but what if we have her go into his head and make him do something that would get him booted from the force?”

“The idea has merit. What would we have him do?” Mad Dog asked.

“Kill one of our enemies, assuming we have someone who needs killing,” I said. “Barring that, I’m not sure.”

“If he refuses to belt and fuck the bound bitch, we’ll whip him and send him on his way,” said Mad Dog. “He won’t have proof it was us. No DNA because none of us will touch him without gloves. We’ll use a new whip, and we’ll incinerate it when we finish, along with any gloves.”

“Right, so anyone thinking of going undercover to burn us will know what happened to the last guy, but we’ll be in the clear.”

“Yes, and if he tries to burn us, we’ll destroy his reputation and his career with the video.”

“Another deterrent,” I said.

“Okay, we have more than half the full membership present,” said Mad Dog. “We need an official vote. Is everyone on board with a mandatory ride this weekend, and then the prospects being required to belt and fuck a pro-sub, then do a threesome on the sweetbutts?”

“Assuming the pro-subs know the deal going in, and we stop a prospect who gets carried away with them, I’m in,” said Clean.

“Do we have someone who’ll lay into them too hard?” Mad Dog asked.

Clean shrugged. “You never really know until you put the belt in their hand.”

“Well, then I suppose we may learn a few things about all the prospects with this little exercise. We need new people, but we have to be careful.” Mad Dog looked to Squatch. “That’s one yes vote. Let’s move it around the table, starting with Squatch.”

Everyone voted for it, and Mad Dog ended the meeting by saying we didn’t give any of the prospects a heads up in any way.

I didn’t stand when everyone else did. “Squatch, you and I need to talk. You got time now?”

He sat back down, and when everyone was gone, asked, “Shy?”


“Wish I could snap my fingers and make it go away.” He shook his head. “If I said I was thinking twenty-five, then we can let you do the first twenty-five OTK with your hand, the next twenty-five over a sofa-back with a paddle, and the final twenty-five with a belt.”

“Any way we can make it fifty?”

He leaned back, thinking. “The rule is three times what you walked out on, but that’s assuming she’s still a sweetbutt. I’m thinking the rule changes a little for ol’ladies, so we’ll make it double.” He shrugged. “Assuming the rest of the club agrees.”

“And you want her to apologize to you — anything specific she needs to say? How formal do you want it?”

He shook his head. “She already did, apparently without you ordering her to, which makes it mean even more. I’ll tell everyone she did, and that we’re square.”

Chapter Fourteen


Gil called and asked if I could come to breakfast after he took the boys to school, so we could talk before work, instead of waiting until lunch. Nora was still with the principal, and she’d be going to school from there.

Frost hadn’t asked me to tell him my schedule, but it felt important to tell him what I was doing, so it Copyright 2016 - 2024