Frost (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #3) - Candace Blevins Page 0,31

her business partner. Also, I didn’t want the kids to be afraid of me.

Still, he was hurting, and he was afraid, so I took a few seconds to breathe in the pain and fear. I’d had a lot more of this in jail than I’d managed on the outside, and it was so, so sweet. But I needed to move on.

I lowered my voice to a quiet snarl. “You can be dead the instant I decide you’re too much trouble to me alive. That tiger who just walked out will be more than happy to get a tarp for me to roll your body in, and then re-etch the floor with acid to make sure any evidence is destroyed while I dispose of your body. Trust me when I say, no one will ever find your corpse.”

Fear rolled off him in waves, and I breathed it in while I waited for him to decide how to react.

When he stopped fighting, I relaxed my hold on his neck a little more, and stopped digging my knee in so deep. “This isn’t the way I wanted this to go. Would you like to stand up and start again?”

He nodded, I stood and stepped away, and he made it to his feet without too much trouble, though all of his weight was on one leg. He’d likely need to change to heal whatever I did to his gut, and to fix that knee, but it could wait.

“You’re a damned owl.”

Right. He’d expected to be able to kick my ass.

“I get that you and Cheyenne have a good working relationship, and that you’re working to give the kids some stability. If you respect my relationship with her, I’ll respect yours with her. That’s the best I can offer you.”

“I don’t want you around my kids.” He stood tall and proud. Didn’t matter I’d bested him, he wasn’t backing down on the important points.

“And that’s your right, but if you’re trying to make Cheyenne choose between me or the kids, I’m afraid that’s going to backfire on you. Do you love your kids more than you hate me? Do you want me out of Cheyenne’s life more than you want what’s best for your kids? Because watching their ex-stepmom stand up for herself and find happiness once again will be a healthy thing for them to see.”

His right hand formed a fist, but he didn’t come at me again. Instead of answering, he turned and left. His gait was off and that knee had to hurt like a bitch, but he walked with pride despite the limp.

I was certain I’d have to beat the shit out of him the next time he came at me. I also figured he’d bring some of the other Pack wolves with him to do it.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted Cheyenne. Your ex just attacked me. He walked out of here in one piece. You’re welcome.

My phone rang. “I heard about people paying you for protection in jail, so I figured you could hold your own.” She blew out a breath. “I’m sorry you’re having to deal with his shit. I’d hoped he’d stay professional.”

“But you thought he might not?”

“I told him it was important he did. He didn’t argue.”

“No problem on my end. I can handle him.”

“I’m sorry you have to.”

“So long as you and I keep communication open, it’ll be fine.”

I already had my phone back in my pocket when my foreman came in and eyed the makeshift table on its side. I shrugged. “We need to take it apart anyway. Meeting’s over. I’ll return the battery pack to the office.”

“You’re going to have more trouble from him.”


“She worth it?”


Chapter Twelve


The motherfucking bastard had the nerve to try to tell me Frost started it, but I knew how he could twist things — he said it in a way so it seemed like that’s what he was saying, but he wasn’t actually lying. I’d long ago learned his tricks, though.

“So, he came at you for no reason? You didn’t try to throw the first punch?”

And the lying bastard turned around and walked away.

“Oh no you don’t. Get back here. Now.”

He stopped, but didn’t turn around. “He’s bad news, Shy.”

“Because he kicked your ass without trying? Don’t fuck with him and he won’t fuck with you.”

“I don’t want him around my kids, and if that means I have to keep you away from them too, then I guess that’s the way it’ll have to be.”

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