Frost (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #3) - Candace Blevins Page 0,29

keep saying that.”

“Because I mean it. Am I invited to spend the night?”

I sat on the loveseat and looked up at him. “It feels like you’re going to rip my clothes off if I say yes.”

He smirked. “Maybe.”

“Then no. I have an eight o’clock meeting with a prospective client for some custom work, and it’s north of the city, so I’ll need to be out of here by seven.”

“Okay. I’m supervising a crew Saturday for a demo and rebuild for an interior. I’d like to do something Saturday evening, but I can’t give you an exact time. They’re paying extra for us to get started with the demo Friday evening and be finished with the reno by Monday morning.”

“Saturday can work. I should be home around six or possibly seven in the evening. Text me when you have an idea of the timing, and I’ll let you know my timing.” I sighed. “Honestly? You’re welcome to stay tonight if you aren’t going to keep me up for hours with sex. I wouldn’t mind a quickie, but I’m not sure I’m up for pain tonight.”


I awoke before the alarm the next morning, but I didn’t move. I didn’t even open my eyes. Cheyenne was spooned against me, her butt to my cock, and our feet intertwined.

I willed my already-hard dick soft, though. She wasn’t up for more sex this morning, even if we had time.

I’d known she’d need pain, but I let her figure it out. And then, when she’d begged nicely, I’d given it to her, but I’d made sure not to make her so sore she’d need to change this morning.

I had a comb, toothbrush, underwear, socks, and shirt in a small bag. I could wear the same jeans I’d worn the day before.

Why had I awakened? Her security system would tell her if anything over twenty inches tall came onto her property, and if anything weighing more than twelve pounds got within twenty yards of the house. And no one was coming in — not even the kids who knew the code — without setting the whole thing off.

I’d found out the evening before that her ex-husband knows the codes to get into her house, too. I understood that they didn’t want to make the kids keep secrets, but on this one thing, I’d eventually have to insist. And really, it was only a matter of a family meeting where Gil told the kids it was okay for them to not tell him the codes. It wouldn’t be Cheyenne ordering the kids to keep a secret from their father, it would be their father telling them to.

I’d liked Gil when I met him, but he’d introduced himself as the owner of the company, and he’d clearly believed it, because it didn’t come off as an untruth. That sat wrong with me, now. From talking to Cheyenne, I understood he handled most of the negotiations and dealings with the general contractors. She gave him the window he could negotiate within, and he handled the face-to-face stuff.

Her alarm went off, and she moved to turn it off and returned to me.

She rolled into my arms and snuggled in, her back to me, so I couldn’t see her face.

“You knew.”

I didn’t have to ask what she was talking about. I’d known she’d need pain. I caressed her arm and kissed her forehead. “I did.”

“It’s probably good you let me figure it out on my own, but it didn’t feel like it at the time.” She sighed. “I have to get up.”

“But you don’t want to.”

“No. What does your day look like?”

“I have a nine o’clock meeting at the hospital, since it looks like we’ll finally be able to get started rebuilding the emergency areas, and then I need to help mediate an issue between a foreman and the bitch designer assigned to the new apartment complex site.”

“Ya’ll got the hospital job? That’s a big one.”

“Yeah. We weren’t the lowest bidder, but since we can supply our own security, we were apparently the best choice.”

“Since that portion of the hospital was completely trashed in a riot no one could bring under control, it makes sense.”

I popped her on the ass. “Up you go. Into the shower. I’ll use the other one and then get started on breakfast.”

“The other one? Are you feeling okay?”

“I am, and you don’t have time for morning sex.”

Her master bedroom had two bathrooms and two huge closets, which is why there was another shower close by. When she Copyright 2016 - 2024