Frost Moon - By Anthony Francis Page 0,70

in the spirit it was offered,” Philip said. “Call Rand, and ink Wulf before the full moon. I’ll keep you posted on anything I find.”

He hung up, but I had already unplugged from the conversation, because the crowd had parted—and I could see Alex Nicholson juggling fire.

He had stripped to the waist and daubed faux Native American war paint over his muscled, trim chest. It was a virgin canvas, and I drooled at the thought of being the first to ink him. Or maybe I just drooled. He was whirling a flaming baton back and forth, flipping it through the air with increasing speed.

But then Alex saw me and winked, putting a flourish on his spinning that sent patterns of color through the air. This wasn’t just fire dancing—it was fire magic, real fire magic. I’d assumed he was a dyed-in-the-wool conjurer, a protege of Mirabilus, sticking to old-school science tricks, but here he was drawing great flowing circles in the air that left curving trails like we were watching a time lapse photo—except this one was living and real.

The splashes of color played back and forth—and behind Alex I caught sight of Jinx sitting with Doug. He had on what looked like 3D glasses, and they were leaning close, watching the show together with rapt if unfocused attention. Jinx cried with joy every time Alex shifted the color of his fire from red to green to blue and back again.

Alex traded the batons for flaming balls on chains, lighting them off a brazier with a quick snap that had none of the fumbling “dangle the poi over the torch until it catches” typical of inexperienced dancers. Alex knew what he was doing, both physically and magically. He spun the fireballs round him faster and faster, creating a swirling hula hoop of fire that slowly, surely, lifted his feet off the floor.

The crowd went wild when he tucked his feet up in the air and let the fire ring slip under him, and I damn near came out of my seat. And then he brought the two poi together sharply, dispersing the fire in a flare of magic strong enough to give everyone in the crowd good luck for a week, if you believed such a thing. He bowed, smiling, and came over to see me.

“That was amazing,” I said. “And not just because you’re the Amazing Alexi.”

“Why thank you, Dakota,” he said, bowing again. His body was covered with sweat, but his eyes were bright and alive and never seemed to break contact with mine.

“But mistake me if I’m wrong, that was more than just firedancing.”

“Digging into my secrets?” he said with a wink. “I’ll give you a hint. Not all of us are as closed-minded as Mirabilus. Magic is everywhere. You’ve just got to learn to see it.”

“And so, what about your boss’s challenge?”

“You’re going to kick his ass,” Alex said with a grin. “I want a working tattooed wristwatch. I wouldn’t have volunteered if I thought you couldn’t do it.”

“Can I hand Dakota over to you, now?” Savannah said. “I think I’m up.”

“Up?” I asked, but Savannah ignored me, beckoning to Doug.

“Sure, no problem,” Alex said, stepping behind me. “I’d love to watch over her.”

Doug brought Jinx over, and she put a hand on the side of my wheelchair. “Like the show?” she said, smiling, a bit giddy. “I know I did.”

“Ready?” Savannah said wickedly, holding up a leash.

“As I’ll ever be,” Doug said, letting out a breath, and pulled off his black trenchcoat. He was wearing the same black leather harness and cheekchillers I’d first seen him in, with a much more politically correct loincloth rather than the cage. He dug into a bag Jinx was carrying, and pulled out his puppy mitts and mask. “Could you?” he asked.

“Of course,” Jinx said, helping him fit the mask on, which she did creepily well for someone almost completely blind.

“You’re doing that very well for a first timer,” I said.

She grinned and canted her head slightly, never stopping the weaving of buckles. “I’m a quick learner,” she said, “and it isn’t the first time.”

Savannah clipped the leash to his neck, and he tossed his head, going “ruf, ruf.” The sun had set, and I saw Darkrose stalking up, her all in white leather to complement Savannah’s black, towing a black puppy servant in white leather matching her own. The two of them lined up next to each other, almost like an honor guard, and then a grizzled older Copyright 2016 - 2024