The Friend Scheme - Cale Dietrich Page 0,57

bummed, but it’s fine. At least he’s finally made a good guy friend. He needed one.”

“Agreed,” says Naomi. “He’s always sort of been the odd one out of the guys. We love him so much, but he’s never really clicked with them. He says he’s fine, but he’s the only out dude on the team. That must be hard.”

“Yeah,” says Bri. “Wallace says he avoids most of the team when they’re not playing. Like he thinks he’s too good for them. Wallace, you don’t know him, but he’s the captain of the team. Anyway, he’s actually worried Jason thinks he’s homophobic, even though he’s not. Has he talked to you about that?”

I shake my head.

She rolls her eyes. “Typical boys. You should talk to him about how he feels, because he has a lot going on. He’s under so much pressure, you have no idea.”

“Because he’s gay?”

“Nah, I think he’s fine with that. His issue is his parents. My moms are so on board with me being whatever I want to be, but his mom and dad, well, let’s just put it this way: He needs to be the best at everything in order for them to be happy.”

“For real?”

“It’s bad, dude. His mom especially, she’s sort of a nightmare. He gets perfect grades and is so polite and nice and stuff to everyone, but she acts like he’s still not enough. I know it hurts him.”

Bri swats her leg.

“What?” says Naomi.

“I bet Jase doesn’t want you spilling all his family drama to a new friend.”

“Oh, right. Forget I said anything, Matt.”

“Done. It’s not a total surprise, though. He’s talked about it a little, but I didn’t know it was that bad.”

“Yeah, it really is. So I think having a new friend is good for him. It might make him chill out a little, finally. He’s definitely changed since you started hanging out. How’d you meet, by the way?”

Luckily, I have a lie prepared.

“He’s friends with a mutual friend of mine, and we just clicked. We both like the same games.” It’s another lie I have prepared. “But wait. What do you mean about him changing?”

“He seems happier, I guess? And a lot less high-strung. He’s always been our anxious little stress ball, and now he’s way less stress-y about everything. I think that’s because of you. Something has definitely changed in him. It’s got to be you.”

“Wow, um … That’s awesome.”

The thought of making Jason happy makes me freaking giddy.

One team runs out onto the field, getting into their positions. I scan the field and spot Jason. He’s pitching. I find myself smiling. Look at that guy! He’s so cute. I must say, he looks great in his uniform. It’s blue and white, and the pants are really tight. It’d be pretty fun to make out with him while he’s wearing it. I wonder if he’d be down for that.

The crowd goes silent, and the game begins.

Jason pitches …

It’s a strike!

Jason pitches again and gets another strike.

Then another. He pumps his fist.

The batter walks away, his shoulders hunched.

I won’t lie, baseball isn’t my favorite thing to watch. And it goes on forever. But I don’t mind watching Jason play.

I have to keep reminding myself: We’re just friends. I have the situation under control.

“Hey,” I say to Naomi, who is beside me.


“Does Jason have Instagram?”

I already have my phone out. I’m so ready for this.

“Wait, you don’t follow him?”

I shake my head.

“Weird. I mean, of course he does.”

“Can you show me?”

She pulls out her phone, and loads Instagram. I do the same.

“It’s Jason_todd11,” she says.

Jason Todd.

That’s his alias?

That’s also the name of a superhero: Red Hood. He used to be Robin, until he went down a dark path.

I search for it.

And there it is.

Jason’s Instagram. The name might be fake, but it’s still his.

This is a treasure. I want to add him, but I’m a little nervous. Even though both our profiles use fake names, who I follow is public. Not that I seriously think anyone is looking at me that closely.

“Are you going to add him?” asks Bri.

“Yeah,” I say, and then I lock my phone and slide it back into my pocket. “Maybe later, though.”

“Oh, I know this game,” she says. “You want him to add you first, don’t you?”


“Power move. I respect that.”

I laugh, and then we bump knuckles.

After the first inning, the teams both file off the field.

Bri stands up and waves. “Wallace! Over here!”

Wallace jogs up the bleachers. Jason follows behind him, along with another Copyright 2016 - 2024