The Friend Scheme - Cale Dietrich Page 0,38

believe I’m thinking this, but I do think it’s partially Dad’s fault that he got shot. If he’d tried to figure out some sort of peace with them, then we wouldn’t be here.

I guess I’m still hoping this is the wake-up call I’ve wanted him to have for ages.

“I want to kill them,” says Luke. “Every single one.”

“I know.”

“I haven’t told you, but I have all my leads tracking down the shooter.”

“I thought it was Maria Donovan?”

“No, she wouldn’t get her hands dirty like that. She might’ve called the hit, but she’s not the one who did it.”

That makes sense. Dad only really gets involved these days when he’s showing me or Luke how things are done. Most of the time, he orders someone to do his dirty work.

“I want her dead, too,” says Luke. “But nobody knows where she is right now. We’re trying, but we can’t find her. So my focus is on finding the man who pulled the trigger. He’s just as responsible, and sure to be less protected. We can get to him.”

“And what will we do if we find him?”

Luke finally looks at me.

“We’ll kill him. Together.”

* * *

My brother is being serious.

Luke wants us to kill someone.

That was a few days ago now, and I still can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve spent most of that time either with Dad or at school. Dad’s technically awake, but he’s still pretty out of it, and we can’t really talk. Every time we try, it just uses up all his energy and he drifts off again.

Right now I’m in Luke’s car, being driven to somewhere I know isn’t going to be good. Apparently Vince has managed to capture a Donovan and has been torturing him all day. According to Vince, he has let slip some information he thinks everyone needs to hear.

“What do you think it is?” I ask.

We’re on the bridge to the port now. It’s a massive structure, lit by blue lights underneath. We’re over water, which makes the air pretty cold, but Luke insists on keeping the top down.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“What do you think the Donovan gave up?”

“No idea. But it must be big for Vince to want all of us to hear it.”

I want to ask him what will happen to the Donovan they caught. I’d like to think that they’ll let them go, but deep down I know that’s not how it works.

Someone is going to die tonight.

And I can’t stop it.

Against my leg, my phone vibrates. I switched it to vibrate mode because I’ve been waiting for a text from Jason.

I messaged him earlier, before I knew about what was going down tonight. We were talking about our favorite TV shows, and I asked him who his favorite Friends character is. He said he had to go to baseball practice and he’d respond when he’s done. I pull my phone out, unlock it, and read his message.

Hey. Why would you ask that? I can’t choose, man. I guess Chandler is my favorite? I dunno. The only one I don’t love is Ross, but I think he’s necessary to the plot, even if he can be annoying. Who’s your favorite?

So he’s a Chandler guy?

I like that. It makes me think he likes jokes and dry humor. It just fits.

Phoebe. How was practice? And who’s your favorite Brooklyn Nine-Nine character?

That’s so cute that you like Phoebe! Practice was good, I’m wiped now, though. And so disgustingly sweaty. My favorite is Holt, obviously. You?

Same, he’s the best! And how sweaty are you talking?

He sends me a selfie. His shirt has a deep V of sweat on it. Still, he manages to look really cute in the photo.

Shit, you must’ve worked hard.

Haha yeah. My coach doesn’t mess around; he makes us do endless shuttle runs. Anyway, how about The Good Place?

That sounds like torture. And hmm. I’m going to go with Janet for this one.

It is. Believe me. I’m sure you could handle it, though. And nice! Love her. Mine’s Chidi.

I really like all his choices. My phone lights up again.

What are you up to right now, btw?

“Who are you texting?” asks Luke.

I freeze.

“No one,” I say.

Luke grins. “Oh my God, it’s a girl, isn’t it?”

“What? No, I swear!”

“Dude, you so are. How’d you meet her?”

“I already told you, it’s not a girl. It’s nobody.”

“So you’re texting no one?”

“It’s a school thing. History group project. Kill me now.”

“You dirty liar! Come on, tell me everything.”

I chew my lip.

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