The Friend Scheme - Cale Dietrich Page 0,24

surprised. I know my family has a foothold in most major institutions in the city. If they scratch our back, we’ll scratch theirs. Not passing on this information to the police is one of the things they can do.

“Hey, Matt,” says Luke.


“A word?”

Luke takes me down a hallway to find a quiet spot. We stop beside a vending machine, and he tucks his hands into his armpits. The lights here are so bright my eyes sting.

“I think someone should stay here,” he says. “In case something happens.”

“Yeah, same.”

I think I know where he wants me to go with this.

“You go,” I say. “I’ll take first watch.”

He looks totally wiped out. His hair is messy, and there are angry dark circles under his eyes.

“You sure?” he asks.

“Yeah. Get some rest, dude, you’re done.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll go sleep, then we’ll swap in the morning?”


“Cool, thanks.”

We go back to the waiting room. Everyone is in the process of slowly gathering their things to head home. It seems like I’m the only one staying.

That suits me just fine. Luke’s company is always welcome, but the others …

I’d rather be alone.

I take a seat and watch as everyone leaves. A few of the guys shake my hand as they go, each one crushing my palm with their grip. I also get a few emotionless hugs from my aunts. But that’s it.

And then I’m alone.

It’s moments like these that my lack of friends hurts the most. I’m just not close enough to anyone to talk to them if I go through something rough. All I can do is pretend I don’t feel anything.

I think that’s what my family wants from me. To be like Luke, so strong, so okay with everything that happens in this family.

But I’m not.

I’m just not built like that. I could cry right now, but I feel like I can’t.

I wait for a while, just thinking about my life and Dad. Mostly I’m just wishing that he will be okay. I’m not ready to lose him. I know we don’t see eye to eye on basically anything, but he’s still my dad.

I can’t lose him.

It makes me think I’ve been taking him for granted. I know he raised me on his own. And he’s never complained about me being so obsessed with movies, and he lets me buy as many as I want. He’s been a good father, and I haven’t given him any credit for that.

Then I think about Jason. This feels typical. I have one really fun night, and my family swoops in and wrecks it.

Plus, he’s gay. I haven’t even had time to deal with that revelation.

I still don’t know where this is going. It makes at least as much sense as him just randomly seeing me in a bathroom and deciding to be friends with me. People aren’t normally super friendly to strangers, unless they want something from them.

I check my phone and see he’s messaged me a few times.

Okay, I think the coast is clear. Attempting to break out now.

Eddie just wants to keep playing fetch. Worst guard dog ever. Haha.

I’m outside. I feel like a criminal right now, you have no idea.

MISSION COMPLETE! Wow, that was fun. Thanks again for a good night, I always have such a good time with you.

I find I’m smiling.

He’s such a goof. I start typing a message.

I’m glad you made it home okay.

The typing bubble appears right away.

What happened?

What do you mean?

It sounded serious. Is everything okay?

I told you, it’s a family thing. Something bad and it sucks. But don’t worry, I’ll be okay.

The typing bubble appears, then vanishes. Then appears again, only to vanish once more.

Finally, a message comes through.

Where are you now?

Mercy Hospital. Why?

The message appears pretty much straightaway.

I’m on my way.


Hey, I’m here, where are you?

I stare at my phone for a second, as that sinks in.

I mean, it’s not that tough a question to answer. I’m on the rooftop of the hospital. There’s an ocean breeze, cutting through the humidity, and I can hear the endless traffic flowing through the streets. It’s dark out, but the space is well lit by the buildings around.

I wanted to find somewhere where I could talk to Jason without stressing about being interrupted. I explored for a while and then found an elevator that goes up to the roof. I’m not sure I’m allowed to be up here, but nobody has stopped me yet.

I start typing my response.

On the roof.

My thumb hovers over the send button.

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