French Wanker - Victoria Pinder Page 0,9

“We’ll stop somewhere and share over dinner.”

He stared at me a little too long as my skin became jumpy. “You read my mind, Kara.”

As the minutes passed, silence clung to the air. I shouldn’t want to pull over and wrap my legs around him. I was a lady… or at least I thought I was. I heaved my chest under the weight of my own lust. I had no idea what took over my body in this man’s presence. I turned and hoped I sounded normal. “Quentin, why are you going to Monte Carlo?”

“I’m moving home.”

I glanced behind us. The backseat contained one bag. When I moved cross country after high school, my car had been full of boxes and college mementos. I scratched the side of my head and asked, “You’re not from Paris?”

His voice trailed off, a certain sadness overtaking his expression. The agony of loss. “I… lived there for many years now, but it’s time I go home.”

Interesting. I hadn’t expected to spend any time with a man, and now here I was… I wanted to fix him like I wanted to fix Marlon, my ex. I ignored the memory.

“Why are you alone on your vacation?” he asked.

Because I micromanaged my relationship like I was running it as a field office that I quit to get married and expected the fiancé to do more in our relationship than he was capable.

I should have realized his weaknesses sooner and worked around them… or called it off.

Not that my pride would have gone that route.

I let out a long sigh and managed not to cry when I told Mr. Wanker, “My fiancé called the wedding off a week before our big day, so I decided to take the honeymoon I planned, alone.”

“I see.” His lips pressed together like he judged me.

I didn’t want to know his thoughts on the matter. I crossed my arms under my chest and asked, “And you?”

He glanced at my breasts again until he faced the road and tapped the steering wheel. “And me?”

On the train his story had come out. I lowered my tone. “You said you were engaged.”

He shrugged and said, “We weren’t that far into planning when she called it off.”

“How long were you engaged?” I asked.

He lifted a shoulder then let it drop. “Five years, give or take a few months.”

Wow. The French held different values. I needed to not involve myself emotionally with Mr. Wanker. I knew it. This was at best about proving to myself I still had some sex appeal and nothing else.

And maybe that was all I could offer.

Chapter 4


I hadn’t expected to enjoy another woman’s company in a while. I failed at protecting Cecilia when I should have had knowledge on how to cure her. Maybe Kara was okay because she couldn’t possibly want forever with me. What happened between us could never be serious or life altering as she wasn’t here for long.

Both my melancholy and my lust were fueled by the same woman, which was strange. Usually, I fucked the pretty ones I brought home but kept friends at a distance. Maybe if I knew more about Kara, maybe I’d be less charmed.

Right now, all that kept me safe was that she was clearly on vacation from her life, and we were both just a distraction from real life.

However, as we continued on the black-tarred freeway, in the blue Renault Clio which served its purpose, Kara flipped the switch from the silence. “Do you have brothers and sisters?”

Blake was the flirt in the family. “Not anymore.”

“That’s too bad,” she said, and her head bopped. “Family is important.”

I let my shoulders relax. “I suppose.”

“It was good to have my family after my parents died, so I understand loss sucks,” she said with a smile.

I tensed. Blake hadn’t been someone I talked about in so long, and today he’d come up in more conversations than I’d had in years. I didn’t dare peek at the beauty beside me as I said, “That sounds hard.”

She pushed her hair behind her ears, and her breasts perked up. “I guess. What about you?”

My cock grew hard. I maneuvered the manual transmission and wished the car vibrations were enough to calm me the fuck down. “I have two parents and one grandmother.”

Picturing my grandma with her silver-gray hair and double chin worked like a charm. I forgot about the alluring sex-like goddess beside me.

“That’s awesome,” she said.

Her sweet smile as she spoke made her magnetic. And the car now smelled Copyright 2016 - 2024