French Wanker - Victoria Pinder Page 0,7

pulse raced.

I swallowed a thought that probably shouldn’t exist and tried again. I met his gaze over the rim of the glass and abandoned my reservations. “Well, there is a wanton recklessness on my lips.”

His brown irises had almost a shine to them until he said, “So the wine makes you… horny?”

My cheeks heated, and I glanced into my drink. “I don’t use words like that.”

He reached across the aisle and brushed his hand on my knee. “But with me, there is an exception clause.”

My lips parted. “There is?”

The train took off. The engine underneath me roared to life, and the vibrations relaxed and excited me.

“Bien sûr. Once we complete what we started.”

I moved my knee from his touch and glanced out the window as the trees started to sway with the train’s increased pace. “I don’t sleep with married men.”

He crossed his legs and waited for me to turn again. I refused, but he finally said, “What I’m thinking doesn’t require sleeping.”

I started this. I ignored how my spine wanted to bend toward this stranger and instead crossed my own legs to hold myself together and sipped my wine. “Okay, I don’t do anything morally suspect with a married man.”

He sipped his own wine and sat back as he studied me. “That’s fine. I’m not married, though American morality confuses me sometimes.”

I’d send a praise up to Jesus right now, but I wouldn’t want him to think I was religious. Instead, I glanced skyward in thanks that I hadn’t committed that horrible of a sin and relaxed my shoulders. “You’re not married?”

“No.” He stared at me.

Right now, I didn’t care what he thought. I needed these answers, so I leaned forward. “Fiancée?”

His eyes widened. “Not anymore.”

I held my stomach and asked, “Girlfriend?”

He stared at me and my chest. I realized just now I’d left my bra in my overnight bag.

“No. I’m leaving Paris alone.”


He paused, his eyes sweeping my body. “Interesting.” His eyebrows rose. “Your nipples are glorious pebbles, mademoiselle.”

My… what? I sat up. My shirt hadn’t fallen down, had it? I mean I don’t normally wear loose fitting cotton, but then again, I don’t normally travel more than an hour. I tugged on my shirt to somehow hope it covered my pair of twins.

He drank his wine like nothing happened and then said, “And you, Kara?”

I relaxed in my seat, determined to ignore that moment. “Say my name again?”

“Ka-ha,” he said, and I listened closely to every syllable.

I let my shoe slip off my foot so I could sit on it while the train pressed on. My lips tugged upward. “Sounds like you’re laughing at me.”

He tilted his head like I was strange. “What?”

All feeling escaped my face. I probably was crazy. The words and thoughts out of my mouth defied the buttoned-up manager I normally was. I tried to shake off this new wanton inside me and said, “Nothing. How you say my name is very different, but I like it.”

He sipped his wine and stared at me again. “You avoided my question.”

I massaged the sides of my temples. The woman in Paris I’d become was a stranger to me. He’d asked me about myself. I let out a breath and just listed my answers, so he understood we were even. “I didn’t mean to. I’m not married, not engaged anymore, either, currently single, and no children.”

His lips curled into a smile. “You didn’t ask me about children.”

I pushed my hair behind my ears. “Do you have them?”

He scooted closer to me and brushed his finger against my leg, and the cells inside me exploded from his exploration. “Not that I know of.”

At least I wasn’t hurting anyone but myself if I flirted with Mr. Wanker. I wanted to strip the man entirely naked, but instead, ignored how he already owned my body when I held out my glass and said, “Well, it seems we can have more of your wine.”

He took my wineglass and put it beside his as he transitioned and took the seat beside me. “And I can find a reason to kiss you again.”

My body shivered in anticipation. “I’d like that—”

His lips captured mine. I curled into him and never wanted this to stop. His hands caressed my body as we made out to the pulsating motor of the train.

Until I lurched forward, and we both almost fell out of our chairs. He held me steady, but I realized the train no longer lugged forward, and I fixed my clothes that were now Copyright 2016 - 2024