French Wanker - Victoria Pinder Page 0,27

as I said, “And my friends you’ll meet later, all come from England, so you’ll understand every word said.”

“I thought your accent was British. Why did you hold back that tidbit about you?”

Because Blake was the next conversation, and I wasn’t ready for that. “Do I know everything about you already, Kara?”

Her eyes had a gleam in them I didn’t understand. “I’ve outlined the basics. I guess I trust you, so I’ve been honest.”

The truth usually came out in time, but it was nice to have a clue up front. “Then I’m honored, ma chérie, and I should be honest, too.”

She stilled, and her face lost color. “About what?”

Opening up about me was hard. I said fast, “I was a doctor in Paris. I’m leaving my practice to move home.”

She directed us to the old-fashioned cannon that was cemented to the grounds. “You’re a doctor?”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, of course not. I’m just surprised.”

“Because I don’t strike you as a doctor?”

She massaged my cheek. “Because that job is noble, and you have a bigger heart than I imagined. I’m proud of you.”

Helping people was a good thing to do. I’d thought that was my motivation, once, but I’d failed. I couldn’t explain the rest, not now. Instead, I said, “Don’t be. I’ll be living on a vineyard soon.”

“Let’s walk back,” she said. “I’d rather be alone with you.”

Good. I wanted her body. Disappointing Kara would be worse than anything else I’d survived already, and that twisted up my gut. I’d give her everything I have for the week. Meeting her was almost like destiny existed.

Chapter 11


The white walls were pure and fresh and beautiful, more like a rich silk than some drab walls with a fresh coat of paint to cover for my lifestyle and that of most of the middle class.

I walked beside Quentin whose relaxed shoulders were absolutely at home in a palace that had views of the sea and a beach outside the glass windows we passed.

He seemed pensive about the whole doctor bit, so I decided to let him bring that topic back up in his own time.

He ran his card through a door and opened up a room that was far bigger than I’d expected. I’d read European hotels were smaller than American ones, but this was made for a queen.

Crystal chandeliers didn’t come in the three-star package I’d paid for, and neither did that view with clear blue waters. This room was like a dream more than reality.

Quentin took off his shoes and tossed his phone on the bed. “This is the room. Do you want to shower first?”

Right. We were sharing now. No more separate rooms. He was my week-long boyfriend. Truthfully, that was all I could handle anyhow. Marlon had been a mistake in a long list of mistakes in my life. I hugged my waist to get the nerves in my stomach under control and joked, “I thought Frenchmen didn’t shower.”

“That’s disgusting.” He gawked at me. “Cleanliness is healthy.”

I sat beside him on the bed and smiled to ensure he knew I was joking. “Glad it’s not true.”

He massaged my back but then stood. “I want to clean up before we meet old friends. Ladies first, though.”

Now that was a good idea. I took out my ponytail and stared at my muscular man. Honestly, I had no idea what he did when he wasn’t with me, but I hugged the bathroom door as I asked, “Can I ask you one more stereotype before hopping in the shower?”

He tightened his shoulders. “Yes, of course.”

I curled my lips. “Do you smoke?”

“I’m trying to quit,” he said fast.

At least that was better than nothing. I unbuttoned my pants and started to close the door. “Well that’s good. Be right back.”

I stripped and tossed my clothes to the side but then decided to open the door a little. I stepped into the shower and heard Quentin on the phone.

“Simon, we’re here.”

I shouldn’t listen. I’d meet his friends in a minute, but still, I wasn’t sure I knew everything about Quentin.

I trusted him for our short time together, almost more than my ex-fiancé. I’d seriously made bad choices, but Quentin was upset about something, and my instinct was to give him time. With the sound of the water running in one ear I stilled and heard Quentin when he said, “Yes, my new girlfriend is here. Her English is… American.” At least he wasn’t hiding me. “I hope your wife enjoys her company. We’ll meet you Copyright 2016 - 2024