Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,93

fake conversations. Which is stupid of me. Of course, she knows exactly what to say.

However, when she suddenly switches into the pampered princess act she’d used on me on our first date, my brow cocks to recognize it.

“And Mr. Caine. It’s good to see you as well.”

Ivy lets out a giggle that makes my ears bleed, a stupid sound you’d expect from a pre-teen more than a woman.

“You know, I never realized how your names rhyme. Dane and Caine. That’s funny. Don’t you think? Someone should write a poem or a song about you two.”

All of us stand frozen as she tilts her head and twirls a strand of hair, her blue eyes batting in Warbucks’s direction.

“Anyway, I’m so sorry Gabriel hasn’t been in touch. I told him to let you know. It’s just that everything was so sudden, and your son is such a romantic. Does he get that from you?”

Biting my cheek to keep from laughing, I relax to see the act she’s putting on is causing Warbucks’s blood pressure to skyrocket. His ruddy cheeks darken in color, his green eyes glaring down at what he assumes is the dumbest woman in the world.

I find it telling that Warbucks never shook her hand despite her reaching out to him, and hasn’t said a word to her in response.

It doesn’t stop Ivy from rushing forward with her one-sided conversation.

“Gabriel and I are just getting back from my father’s office.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Daddy insists I work there for a few hours each week helping update his files, but I think it’s ridiculous. Women aren’t supposed to work, and it really cuts into my hair and nail appointments. So, since Gabriel is such an amazing man, he offered to help me make sense of all that important information. All of it goes over my head usually. He’s even offered to keep helping me since I can’t make heads or tails of what I’m looking at. Don’t you think that’s sweet of him?”

Warbucks’s glare lifts above her head to look at me. “I hate to cut this visit short, but we need to leave. I expect you to give me a call tonight.”

Both of our fathers step around Ivy like she doesn’t exist, their smooth strides sliding past me on their way to the elevator.

I say nothing as the doors open and they step inside, one last glare shot my direction before the doors close and they’re gone.

“Holy fuck. Those guys are two of the biggest dicks I’ve ever met in my life. It must be where you and Tanner get it from.”

Tanner and I both turn to stare at her.

“What the fuck was that?” Tanner barks. “Are you nuts?”

Ivy smiles, something unsaid behind the gleam in her eyes as she looks between us like we’re idiots.

“How else was I supposed to hint that Gabriel has access to my father’s files? I set you two up perfectly. Now Gabriel can dig for more of what his father specifically wants since he needs to know what to look for.”

Damn it.

She’s brilliant.

Soft laughter shakes my shoulders to realize it.

Tanner’s eyes snap my direction. “Okay. Maybe that makes sense...”

It’s the best compliment she’ll get out of him.

“...but that’s not the only problem we have.”

Not in the mood to hear what else has gone down, I ask anyway. “And what’s our other issue?”

Tanner grins. “Lacey’s packing up her desk, so it’s a good thing you came by. I think she’s planning to quit.”

The muscles over my shoulders lock, and I glare at him.

“What the hell did you do?”

“Nothing,” he lies. “But you might want to go talk to her. Probably right now would be best.”

Fucking hell...

Rushing off to go fix that fuckup, I leave Ivy and Tanner behind without remembering that the two of them should never be alone together.


“You’re insane, you know that? Do you have any idea what our fathers are capable of?”

Tanner’s dark gaze bores into mine, his mouth quirked at the corner in a mocking sneer.

“When it comes to them, let me and Gabe handle it. I tend to believe your stupid girl act. It’s more fitting of what I know about you.”

Bristling at the accusation and his refusal to see that what I did only helped them in what they’re trying to accomplish, I round my shoulders and snap back.

“Are you telling me nobody besides the two of you have ever stood up against those assholes? That’s pathetic. And you can fuck off thinking I’m stupid.”

Tanner steps back and eyes me, Copyright 2016 - 2024