Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,78

pissed off stare shoots past me to his best friend. It surprises me again when Gabriel pulls me back so he can step between us.

“Like hell she is, Gabe. Don’t you remember what happened the last time you let her out of your sight? She can’t be trusted by herself for a fucking second, and you’re acting like an idiot again to think she can.”

Okay. I deserve that, so I don’t argue.

Something is being said between the two men that I’m not aware of, some silent argument that I’m not sure I want to hear. It’s scary enough just standing here looking at the way Tanner is glaring at Gabriel.

Gabriel’s voice, however, is oddly calm when speaking directly to Satan.

“She won’t do anything because I’ll go up with her and watch.”

“Like hell you will. You don’t get to stand there and watch her get a shower just because you think she’ll do something.”

We all spin to look at Emily as she shoves to her feet. I smile to know my bestie has my back, but it’s not like Gabriel will see something I haven’t already shown him.

One would think the fact I’m standing here wearing his shirt would be the first hint of that.

I clear my throat to ease the knot choking me from this insanely tense conversation.

“It’s fine, Emily.”

She stares at me, not understanding, the rest of the Inferno grinning because they have a pretty good idea without my saying a word.

Rolling my eyes when she doesn’t back down, I admit on a rushed voice, “Gabriel may need a shower, too.”

I mean, how else am I supposed to say it without coming out and just saying it?

Her eyes widen, lips parting just a touch to tell me she finally figured out what really went down in the woods outside her cabin.

“Oh,” she says. “Wait, does that mean-“

“It means they banged,” Tanner barks, his outburst dragging my eyes his direction as Emily slowly lowers herself back down to the couch in my peripheral vision.

I guess that’s one way to say it.

His dark gaze stays locked to my face for all of ten seconds before it lifts to Gabriel.

“Ten minutes. Any longer and I’m coming up there to drag you both out.”

I open my mouth to argue, but Gabriel clasps my hand and pulls me along toward the stairs.

Not speaking again until we’re stepping into the bathroom, I turn to face Gabriel as he shuts the door.

“Did you just take my side over Tanner’s?” Not even in my wildest dreams would something like that ever happen, which means they somehow drugged me without my knowing it, and I’m still running through the woods tripping balls. I’m probably caught in some net hanging from a tree. Or tied to a spit slowly being cooked over an open flame.

Gabriel’s green eyes meet mine before he rushes forward and begins peeling the shirt off my body.

“You should shut up right now.”

“What? Why? Answer my question.”

I’m being backed into the shower as he pulls off his clothes. He leans down and his mouth claims mine, his hand slamming on the handle to turn on the water.

Pulling away from him, I yelp when cold water hits us. “We have ten minutes, Gabe. And this is not the time.”

Judging by the look in his eyes, it is.

“Ten minutes is plenty of time. Just don’t make a sound, and they’ll never know.”

He spins me around and directs my hands to the tile, his cock sliding inside me as he covers my mouth to muffle my moan.


It didn’t take the full ten minutes to get her off. That beautiful body trembled with an orgasm within a few minutes of me being inside her.

Once again, I hadn’t intended for it to go there, but it was the only way to get her to stop questioning my decision to go against Tanner.

Watching Ivy while she wraps a towel around her body and shoves her white-blond hair away from her face, I’m beginning to worry that I’m letting her get too close.

She’s still the same game player that I am. Still the sneaky bitch who wrecked my house and flattened our tires.

But I can’t help myself.

Even now, I’m staring at her like she’s a three-course dinner and I’m a starving man, my gaze running down her body with the intent to shove her against a wall and take her again.

Fucking her...again...did nothing to ease the anger I’m feeling, though. Not that I’m mad at her, she did nothing wrong this time.

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