Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,60

war was going off to college. But while the distance between us put an end to the pranks, it did nothing to end the feud...or the attraction.

“By any chance, did you bring our clothes inside when you grabbed my bags?”

Turning at the sound of her voice, I slip my hands into my pockets and try not to notice how good she looks in a pair of yoga pants and a ragged t-shirt. Ivy’s hair is loose around her face, the shape of her body barely hidden by her clothes.

My eyes lift when I finish memorizing every detail about her, and she cocks a brow to let me know she caught me.

I smile at that.

“Do I look like your personal errand boy? If so, please let me know, and I’ll update my resume.”

Ivy doesn’t walk past the doorway into my bedroom. She just stands there claiming the right to enter my space without actually doing it.

“No. You still look like the aggravating nightmare of a man I’ve always known. No updates necessary. Plus, I wouldn’t give you a good reference. As far as employees go, you’re hostile and don’t follow orders. But I would like those clothes. So where are they?”

Pushing away from the wall, I cross the room to approach her. She doesn’t back away or show any sign of fear to have me closer. If anything, she squares her shoulders, but her eyes soften, a look I’m not yet familiar with.

I step up to within an inch of her, our eyes dancing and breath colliding. Ivy’s back is pressed to the doorframe, her knee brushing mine as she stares at me silently.

“As far as bosses go, you’re overly demanding and have unreasonable expectations. Plus the benefits package you offer sucks.”

Her lips curl.

“You didn’t appear to have a problem with my benefits package just a few hours ago on the hood of your car.”

My gaze drops to her sassy mouth.

“That may be so, but I think certain items should be added to that package to make it more appealing.”

“What items are those?”

My eyes lift to hers. “The promise of your lips on my cock.”

She doesn’t have the chance to respond before I wrap my hand over the back of her head and tug her mouth to mine. Her body melts against my chest the second our tongues slide together, my fingers fisting her hair as her hands run over my shoulders.

Not wasting any time, I pull the front of her yoga pants out to slip a hand beneath them, my thumb punishing her clit as I push two fingers inside her and find she’s hot and ready, swollen and so fucking wet that my dick is instantly hard.

She moans into my mouth, her teeth biting down on my lip, refusing to let go for a few seconds. I tease the inner walls of her cunt, and her head falls back.

Taking every advantage, I bite at the skin of her neck, my tongue licking the line of the tendon that pushes out.

“We should talk,” she says, her voice breathless.


My fingers sink deeper, and my thumb circles her clit. Her legs shake and her body leans against me more.

“About what this means.”

What the hell does she think this means?

“It means I want to fuck again,” I growl as I release her hair to palm her tit. My cock is hard again, the line of it pushing against my pants.

Ivy’s hands dive into my hair.

“I know that, but we should talk about us.”

My head pops up and our eyes lock, my hands stilling on her pussy and tit because, “There is no us.”

She blinks and shifts her hips in an effort to make me start up again. I refuse.

“I’m not sure you mean that. We had sex, which means you like me more than you’re admitting.”

Pulling my hands away from her body, I stare at her like she’s grown a second head.

“People fuck all the time without it meaning anything.”

Ivy shifts her stance, her eyes softening more while my brows tug together. She can’t possibly be the type who wants a relationship just because my cock has been inside her.

“You want to know what I think?”

“Not really.”

Laughing softly at that, she reaches out to cup my cheek.

“I think you’re hiding all your feelings because of what you went through in life. We should talk about that.”

Son of a bitch.

I’d never guessed Ivy was the kind of woman who latched on like a parasite the minute she bumped uglies. Women like that don’t have Copyright 2016 - 2024