Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,39

directing me a few more steps forward into a beautiful kitchen as he quietly shuts the door behind us.

I spin to face him. “Are you going to explain what that means?”

“Good luck getting it out of him,” a woman says behind me. There’s humor in her voice, and just the hint of a Southern accent.

Dread shimmies down my spine when I turn to see the pretty brunette Tanner was walking around with at the engagement party, her blue eyes landing on Gabriel for just a second before sliding to me.

“I’m not sure if you remember me.” She smiles sweetly and leans a shoulder against a doorway. “We’ve actually met before, but I was married to Clayton Hughes at the time.”

Oh, God. Poor woman. Clayton Hughes might be part of the better social circles because of his father, but he’s always been an idiot.

My thoughts must be written all over my face because she laughs and steps forward to offer a hand in greeting.

“Yes, it was a horrible mistake to marry him, and I lived to regret it. I’m Luca Bailey, by the way. It’s nice to meet you again.”

So horrified by the recognition of her last name, I briefly forget there’s a bastard standing behind me that has done something terrible to ruin my life.

His hand touches my lower back as I shake Luca’s hand, guilt crawling down my spine for what I know and refuse to say.

Gabriel steps around me and pulls Luca into a warm hug.

“How are you doing, love? Did you miss me while I was gone?”

Another laugh as she wraps her arms around him. I resist the urge to vomit. This poor woman has no idea who he really is.

“I always miss you. Bad cop is upstairs if you’re looking for him.”

Bad cop?

Who is that?

And for that matter, who the hell is good cop?

They step apart, and Gabriel sets off as if to leave the room. Stopping before he reaches the door, he turns back.

“Do me a favor, Luca, and tackle Ivy if she tries to escape. She’s not happy with me at the moment. Although, I can’t figure out why.”


He winks at her before disappearing through the doorway, and I freeze in place when Luca turns to look at me.

I hate knowing what I know, and it takes effort for me not to throw myself at her feet, spill all the details and beg for forgiveness. Even if I had nothing to do with it.

“Sorry to hear about your vacation. I know what it’s like to be dragged into their bullshit. I assume you’re as unwilling as I was.”

“You can say that,” I answer on a shaky voice.

My hesitation isn’t because of what Gabriel is doing to me. I’m used to that. It’s more that I can’t fully swallow down the secret I think I know about the woman. The guilt is eating me alive.

Maybe it’s a different Bailey.

I mean, there’s always the possibility.

The thought only partially calms me down enough that my palms aren’t sweating.

“Take a seat.”

She points to the kitchen island and heads to the fridge. “Can I get you something?”

“Water is fine. Thanks.”

I stare at her as she opens the fridge door and pulls out two bottles. Glad to sit down for fear I might faint, I lean against the backrest and tap my toe on the floor.

This is awkward. Even more so than it was to go on a date with Gabriel. I’m not cut out for the shady shit my dad is involved in. If I was ever interrogated, all they’d have to do is wave the torture device at me and I’d break down and cry like a little bitch.

I’d tell them everything.

My dad’s secrets.


Hell, I’d tell them all of Emily’s and Ava’s, too, just for good measure.

Turning back to me, she places a bottle on the counter and opens hers to sip from it.

“So,” she says, a sparkle in her eyes and an odd smile on her face. “Spill.”

I squeak, my heart now fully in my throat dancing a staccato rhythm. What the hell does she want to know?

It takes effort to speak. “Spill what?”

Her laughter is charming, her unassuming nature shining through her body language and voice.

“About Gabriel. I’ve heard the two of you have history, and I want to know all about it.”

That’s actually worse than what I was afraid she was asking. I’d rather tell her what my dad did than go anywhere near that subject.

“We’ve known each other since we were kids,” I answer Copyright 2016 - 2024