Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,32

regardless of how many times I demanded it.

But I do know it has everything to do with the conniving bastard staring at me right now.

The thing I said about killing him? Totally going to happen, just as soon as I figure out this clusterfuck of a situation and fix everything he’s done.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I’ll figure this out.”

“Will you?” He grins at that, his eyes twinkling with more evil.

I can’t stand the victory written into his expression, the self-assured arrogance that covers him like a shroud. This is so far beyond what I did to him that it should have been off limits.

Destroying each other’s property?

Yes, we’ve done that.

Public embarrassment?

Sure thing.

Semi-permanent body alterations?

Been there. Done that.

But bringing our families into it? Oh, hell no. That is a line we drew in the sand many years ago, and Gabriel has now traipsed all over it.

Neither of us were raised in the most understanding of families, and it’s a line that should never have been crossed.

Even if I owe a price for the favor Tanner did for me, this fuckery is so far beyond the pale that I can’t think straight to process it.

He shifts his posture, releases my shoulders and tucks his hands in his pockets, the devil may care expression on his face pissing me off more.

“Tell me how you plan to get home without any money to your name. Or for that matter, how you plan to get as far as the airport. Will you walk there with the thirty bags you have with you? Maybe stow away in the cargo section to catch a flight home. Please tell me. I’m dying of impatience.”

My eyes narrow so much that I’m staring at him from behind tiny slits.

“Involving our families is off limits. And it’s only seventeen bags, thank you very much.”

“Oh, excuse me for miscounting, and says who?”

The humor in his voice is insanely aggravating. “Also, what makes you think I had anything to do with this?”

“The fact that you’re here,” I answer, throwing up my arms because it’s better than decking him right here in front of witnesses.

Knowing this jerk, he hopes I’ll physically attack him just so he can toss my ass in jail for assault and make me beg him to bail me out.

Shrugging a negligent shoulder, he cants his head.

“I’m simply trying to help out an old friend. Shall we go now? Or would you like to keep delaying the inevitable?”

My voice drops to a dangerous growl.

“I am not your old friend. I have never been your old friend. And I’m fairly certain at this point that I never will be. So drop the act. It’s tiring.”

Stepping closer, he leans down just enough that he can whisper to me.

“Sweetheart, I haven’t begun to tire you out yet. I plan to run you in so many circles, you’ll beg me to stop.”

I hate the way my body shivers at his close proximity, at the sexual undertone in his voice despite the horrible promise he’s making.

And it is a promise.

Gabriel doesn’t make empty threats.

When he says he’ll do something, you better believe it will happen.

That’s the one thing he doesn’t lie about.


I can’t lose my head over this, can’t give in and let myself be knocked off balance. That’s what he wants from me because it only makes me an easier target.

Dragging in a steadying breath, I tilt my chin and cross my arms over my chest. It takes effort to control my voice, even more so to keep from scraping my nails down his pretty face.

“Fine. I guess you win this round.”

His brow cocks, the corner of his mouth quirking up.

“But that means nothing in the long run.”

Another twitch of his lips.

“Are you planning on actually escorting me home, or are you leaving me destitute in Miami?”

“I would never do that. You’re so helpless and unable to take care of yourself that I would be a complete bastard to leave you all alone.”

Rolling my eyes at that, I smile back. “Such a gentleman.”

“Only for you,” he says, his eyes dropping to my mouth and back up again.

The amount of anxious heat in his stare is staggering.

Rounding my shoulders, I relax my posture and decide to deal with this on my home turf.

As soon as we get back, I can go to my dad, explain that this is all a horrible mistake and get my life back again.

Once that’s accomplished, I’ll leave the country and live like a vagabond in some third world country Copyright 2016 - 2024