Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,28

next hour or so, but I won’t be here much longer. They’ll probably ask you to leave since I’m checking out.”

I begin packing my things, and he chuckles behind me.

“I’m going with you, or I guess I should say you’re coming with me.”

“It’ll be a cold day in hell when that happens.”

“You should grab a coat, then. I’d hate for you to catch a chill,” he murmurs, the tone to his voice running a blade down my spine.

I spin to look at him.

What the fuck has he done?

You know what? No. There’s nothing he can do to trap me. Gabriel is lying like he always does and is trying to psych me out.

It’s not going to happen.

After finishing my packing, I march into the living room to grab my phone from my purse. Gabriel steps out of the room just before I hit the button to speed dial Scott, my lips twisting up into a fuck you grin.

He cocks his head and stares back at me, casually leaning a shoulder against the doorframe while I listen to Scott’s phone ring on the other end.

The call goes to voicemail, and my brows tug together in confusion.

Scott never misses my calls. Not even in the middle of the night when I shouldn’t be calling.

Maybe he’s in the bathroom or taking a shower.

Hiding the twinge of panic I’m feeling, I leave him a chipper message letting him know to pick me up as soon as possible.

It’ll take me a little while to check out and settle the bill, so I’m sure he’ll have heard the message and be heading over by then.

Hanging up, I drop my phone back in my purse and stare at the amount of bags I have. There’s no way I’ll be able to carry them, so I grab my electronic key and decide to leave them behind.

“How’s your bulldog doing?” Gabriel asks, his voice far too assured to be comfortable.

“He’s great,” I lie, refusing to meet his stare. “Never been better. He’ll be here any moment.”

I head for the door, and Gabriel calls out at my back.

“You’re leaving all your stuff behind?”

Flicking my fingers at the massive stack of bags, I answer, “I’ll send a valet for them. That’s too much to carry.”

Gabriel grins, just the corner of his mouth tugging up. “If you say so.”

Oh, I do not like the look on his face. Not at all. The liar is up to something, and it’s hard to breathe.

“Are you ready to go?” he asks as he pushes away from the wall.

“I don’t need an escort,” I insist while opening the door to step out into the hall. “It’s been good seeing you, Gabriel, but I have places to be.”

He steps out behind me like a demon at my back.

“We’ll see about that, Ivy. I can’t wait to find out where you’ll go next.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

And why do I get the feeling I don’t want to find out?


Check. Fucking. Mate.

This moment is far more enjoyable than I thought it would be, the tremor in Ivy’s voice and the way she keeps flicking nervous glances back at me doing things to my body that make me worried I’m more of an evil bastard than I’d thought.

Do I enjoy causing pain in other people? Not usually. But do I enjoy trapping them?

Yes. I happen to be a master at it.

And I especially enjoy trapping this particular woman for all the crap she’s caused in my life.

She’s cute with the way she marches down the hall like she has a leg to stand on. Her blue eyes keep glancing over her shoulder, her quick stride not fast enough to outrun mine.

It’s not fair to her, actually. My legs are much longer. So she’s practically running toward the elevator while I’m keeping a casual, smooth pace.

Reaching the elevator, she stabs at the button repeatedly as if it will send the car fast enough for her to slip inside and the doors to close before I can walk in behind her.

Obviously, that doesn’t happen, and I take the opportunity to draw close, to press my chest against her back and drop my mouth to her ear.

“Where are you running off to?”

Ivy shivers at the whisper against her ear then attempts to hide it with a sneer, her reflection staring back at me in the mirrored doors.

“Away from you,” she says with that ultra-sweet voice that drives me fucking crazy.

She should stop using it on me. I know she does Copyright 2016 - 2024