Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,22


Yet, I am.

On a daily basis.

Fine, more like constantly, unfortunately, my thoughts happily moving along throughout the day only for a glimpse of him to ride in like one of the four horsemen to ruin my peace and serenity.

Not all the thoughts are the same, though. They change with each passing day.

Some are memories of the past, all painful, hilarious or bittersweet. While others are of the date we had, a toxic stew of conflicting emotions I haven’t yet been able to manage.

Today, my thoughts are disbelief.

Mostly I can’t believe he fell for my game. Gabriel has always been smarter than that, and it makes me wonder if he had been playing me the entire time.

I wouldn’t put it past him to play along for the exact purpose of forcing me to strike out. That way, he has an excuse to wreck my life to get even.

When it comes to Gabriel, there is one golden rule you must always follow:

Never believe him.

Not even once.

To do so is to guarantee your world is about to be ruined.

It was smart of me to run the next day. That, I know for sure.

Telling my father that I needed a little rest and relaxation, I set off for a six-month leisurely tour of all the best beaches the States have to offer.

Really, I’m just keeping moving because it’s easier than constantly watching my back.

So while the first month was spent traveling the lengthy shores of sunny California, I soon packed my bags and headed to Florida where I plan to enjoy more of the same, plus make some memories indulging myself in the chaotic pulse of the many nightclubs.

After this, I have no idea where I’ll go, just that I’ll keep going. And honestly, when the six months are up, I might just head out of country.

This is the Inferno we’re talking about, and anybody with any level of intelligence knows pissing them off by not paying their price is a very bad idea.

Was it stupid of me to poke the angry bear?

You better fucking believe it.

But was it something that had to be done?

Also a yes, because I refuse to let the Inferno bully me.

Thankfully, Ava has been keeping me apprised of all their ongoings, a warning sent out when Gabriel left the state a few weeks ago, which turned out to be nothing.

At least, according to Ava, it was nothing. To me, it was another sign that running the hell away from them was the best decision I have ever made.

The problem with having a family that’s involved with shady people is that they do shady things. Things I wouldn’t know about if I hadn’t walked down the wrong hall, on the wrong day, at the wrong time.

I don’t want to know the things I know, and I’m not sure Gabriel and the rest of his group would be opposed to physically torturing me to get me to spill the details.

For what reason? I’m not sure. But as soon as Ava mentioned Gabriel went to Georgia, I knew the only thing that would keep me safe is to never stop moving around so that he can never find me.

And that’s what I’m doing.

The skies above my head are a pristine blue with a speckling of white clouds chasing the distance, the sunshine radiant where it paints my skin, now tan from the weeks I’ve spent vacationing.

I walk into the luxury hotel that sits front and center on a picturesque stretch of beach, with white sand, blue water and carefree days spread out like heaven in front of me.

Scott trails at my back, my luggage stacked in a rolling cart, my strappy heels clicking merrily across the glimmering polished marble floors as I approach the desk to check in.

The front desk attendant is a younger man with a pressed uniform, thick brown hair and honey brown eyes. His smile is insanely charming, but not quite as stunning as Gabriel’s.

Then again, nobody’s smile compares to the liar’s.

I wouldn’t be surprised to know he stares in the mirror on the regular just to perfect it.

And there I go thinking about him again.

This shit needs to end.

“Checking in?”

I return the friendly grin and answer, “There should be a reservation for Ivy Callahan. Room 14B.”

He taps his agile fingers over the computer keyboard, his smile stretching wider to confirm I’m a big spender. 14B is one of the coveted corner suites with a large wraparound balcony providing a breathtaking view of the ocean.

“Yes, Miss Callahan. We’ll need Copyright 2016 - 2024