Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,20

escapes her lips, but I swallow that and make sure her mouth is kept busy. One ridiculous word and she’ll fuck this up.

My cock comes to life again, the hard ridge of it pressed against her panties. As my fingers grip into her hair, my other hand pins her hip in place so that I’m the bastard leading this dance.

Is this dangerous? You better fucking believe it. I’m well aware we’re in the back of a car being driven by her psychopath bodyguard, but I can’t think straight with the noises climbing up her throat, can’t give a shit when her hands move from my shoulders to my hair, her mouth pulling away from mine so she can take a breath.

Running my mouth down the line of her throat, I pin her down tighter, barely noticing when the car pulls to a stop.

“Gabriel,” she whispers just as my thoughts are catching up to me. Dragging my gaze up so that our eyes lock, I snap my teeth at her as a threat.

She shakes her head and smiles, her eyes searching my face. “Gabriel,” she says again as I move to kiss her.

Fucking hell. Please don’t say anything stupid.

“What?” I growl.

Soft laughter shakes her shoulders. “I can’t believe you fell for that.”

It takes a second for my blood to travel from my dick up to my brain and with it the understanding of what she just said.

My eyes round just as the door is yanked open behind me and a cloth bag is forced over my head.

Dragged out of the car by my ankle on one hell of a strong tug, I’m dropped to the ground just before a forearm is jammed against my throat and a heavy weight pins my body.


I don’t ask what is going on because I already fucking know.

The bitch.

I can’t be sure, but I have a feeling there’s more than just one person holding me down. I’m a big guy. Quite strong actually, so unless her serial killer for a driver suddenly grew two more sets of hands, there is no way he can pin down all the places of my body that are shoved to the ground.

“You know,” Ivy’s voice is above me, a touch of humor lining her words, “I honestly thought you would see past that.”

She’s fully laughing now, the sound moving closer as I assume she kneels down next to me.

Once again, I try to kick my way free, but it’s useless.

“I’m going to kill you for this,” I mumble against the inside of the bag.

Laughing again, she says, “Oh, Gabe. I know. Which is why I have to make this as enjoyable as possible.”

I can hear her move around me and when a set of fingers lock down on the buckle of my belt, I thrash to break free while also failing miserably at the effort. Knowing my struggle will only amuse her, I relax.

This shit is going to happen, and I have no idea what she plans for me.

“First off,” she says while unbuckling my belt and pants to yank them down my legs, “telling me Tanner’s house was yours was just lazy. Even for you, Gabe. Did you really think I wouldn’t look up the address?”

I had a sneaking suspicion she might, but blew it off as a non-concern.

She yanks my boxer briefs down next, the cool night air impacting sharply against my cock.

“You know, if you want to get in my pants this badly, you don’t need a team of people to help. I would have let you suck my cock if you just asked nicely.”

Am I embarrassed my junk is out in the open in front of who knows how many people? No. It’s not the first time, even though I don’t often talk about the other times it’s happened.

It’s just another mark against Ivy, though. She should know from experience that I’m keeping score.

Slowly, she begins unbuttoning my shirt, her voice a purr of sound that conveys just how much she’s enjoying this.

“You could only be so lucky for that to happen. But let’s keep going about why you’re getting your ass handed to you now.”

I briefly wonder how she plans on pulling my shirt off without someone letting go of my arms.

“Oh, love, you might be winning now, but you know I’ll get even.”

“You can try,” she says sweetly, the sharp sound of scissors slicing through the night just before she begins cutting my shirt off.

I’ll hand it to her. That’s a smart move.

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