Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,18

least, there, he’ll be in his own yard and can happily play with his chew toys instead of damaging my property from boredom.”

The analogy makes no fucking sense, but judging by the way Ivy has been acting tonight, she’s too fucking stupid to realize it.

She opens her mouth to respond, but her phone rings in her purse, her expression dropping as she releases my hands to answer it.

“It must be nine,” she comments as she digs around for it. I think it should be mentioned that the chirpy little boy band melody she has for a ringtone is making my ears bleed.

Casting a glance my direction before answering the call and ending my misery, she grumbles, “It’s my dad. I have to answer my phone at several allotted times every day to prove I’m being a good girl.”

Jesus Christ.

Is she serious?

The woman is twenty-seven years old and is being treated like a teenager. Why the fuck does she put up with this?

“Do you have a curfew, too?”

Her lips tug into a thin line at my question, and she holds up a finger for me to give her a minute.

“Hi, Daddy!”

My eyes widen at the saccharine tone to her voice, the high pitch more expected of an eight-year-old trying to look cool than a fully-grown woman.

Every bit of blood that had trickled into my dick earlier at the thought of fucking her is now rushing back into my body so fast my cock is deflating like a popped balloon, complete with the little squeal at the end as it flops to its miserable, limp death.

Ivy twirls a piece of hair while giggling at something her father said, her high voice scratching at my nerves while she promises him that she’s going home soon to be in bed on time.

What in the actual fuck is going on?

She must have been in an accident I don’t know about.

Or a prank went horribly wrong and she suffered brain damage.

There is no other explanation for the bullshit I’m witnessing across the table.

“Okay! Love you, too! Tell Mommy I miss her and will see her tomorrow at the birthday party. Will there be a clown?”

My brow cocks.

“Oh, yay!” she squeals, and I damn near fall out of my chair. “I love when they make balloon animals.”

Yeah, no.

I can’t fuck her.

It would be akin to taking advantage of a mental patient.

No wonder Scott hates me. I almost went balls deep into a woman with the mind of an adolescent. I hate me, too, now. I should save him the trouble and kick my own ass.

Ivy hangs up the phone and slips it back into her purse, her blue eyes slipping my direction.

“Back to what we were discussing. Going to my place works. Just as long as I’m there to set the alarm on time and prove I’m home, they won’t know what we’re really doing.”

The fuck?

“Won’t your babysitter say something?”

I’m not sure I could fuck her if I tried. My cock is so dead at this point that a priest should be arriving shortly to read its last rites.

“Scott won’t care,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “I’m telling you, he’s not as bad as he looks.”

I want to say no. I should say no. But we still need information on her father, which might be conveniently laying around somewhere in her house for me to find.

Fucking her now would feel like less of an exciting conquest and more like taking one for the team.

A sigh leaks out of me. “Let’s pay the bill and get going.”

She grins and does a hair twirl, the sight painful to watch.

After I wave our server over and I pay for the meal, I help her up from her seat, still staring at her ass as she walks ahead of me to leave the restaurant.

What can I say? I’m a guy, and she happens to have an amazing body. If she would just stop talking for a few hours, I might forget she has the sparkling personality of a goldfish.

Scott brings the car around, gives me the usual murderous glare when he opens the door to let us in, and I pause in place next to him while Ivy slides across the seat to give me room.

Turning my head to lock eyes with him, I’m not sure whether to round my shoulders and claim my space, or to slip him a hundred with the whispered plea for him to knock me the fuck out and relieve me of my Copyright 2016 - 2024