Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,162

over the past week that everybody has avoided them.

Jackson Porter made the stupid mistake of saying something about it. He left the school with three missing teeth, a few busted ribs and a broken ankle.

As far as the story goes, he tripped and fell down the stairs. But we all know what really happened.

Even if Ezra is at the party tonight, there’s no way I’ll go near him. Not after that reminder.

My mother’s expression doesn’t change. It’s the typical haughty elegance, a required distance between her and anything real in the world. She has children but didn’t raise them. She’s eaten food but never truly tasted it. She preens and polishes everything with a strict adherence to a prim and proper reputation.

The same is expected of me.

“It shouldn’t matter where I received the information, just that I don’t appreciate what the information is. You are to remain chaste, Emily-“

“Oh, drop it, Mom. I have been chaste. I haven’t had a boyfriend, haven’t had sex, haven’t let anybody touch me, just like you’ve demanded. Although, I think it’s unfair considering Mason runs around and does whatever he wants with whoever he wants and nobody says a thing about it.”

Not that I care.

The last thing I’ll ever feel for Mason is jealousy.

“He’s a boy,” she insists, her voice a whisper because even to her it sounds wrong. “You know how it is.”

Before I have the chance to remind my mother what century it is, my phone vibrates from the bedside table. A quick glance at the screen tells me it’s time to go.

“Ivy and Ava are here.”

She’s says nothing as I push to my feet and cross the room. Before I can walk through the door fully, she speaks at my back.

“Keep your legs closed, Emily.”

My eyes roll so hard I can see the back of my skull.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Ten minutes later and we’re on the road. Ava is driving and Ivy is riding shotgun. I don’t mind having the entire backseat to myself. It gives me the ability to focus on the trees passing by instead of their excited conversation.

It isn’t until Ava says my name and lifts her eyes to the rearview mirror that I blink and snap out of my thoughts.

“Did you hear anything we just said?”

Not a word of it.

While they were discussing the latest school gossip and planning the rounds they will make at the party tonight, I was imagining what my future would look like as Mrs. Mason Strom.

We won’t be officially engaged until graduating college, which gives us another ten years before I have his ring on my finger. But that just means I have to behave like a modest, appropriate future wife while he gets to be the playboy.

Again, not that I care.

Mason could fuck every willing hole on the planet - both male and female - and it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

I just hate the idea that every day is one step closer to the grand finale of my life as Emily Donahue. I can’t even be excited about giving up my last name up, or choose not to like some wives do.

Our engagement will be my funeral and I decide right here and now that I’ll wear black on that night to mourn the loss of my identity instead of white like I’m sure my mother is planning.

“She wasn’t listening,” Ivy answers when I don’t. “Which means I have to repeat myself and say that one of the twins was just seen making out with Hillary Cornish. Can you believe that shit? She’s a walking STD factory.”

I know what she’s doing and it won’t work.

Ever since finding out I had a few weak moments with Ezra, these two have been all but tying me up and dropping me on his doorstep.

Ava was against the idea at first, but Ivy came out of left field with the opinion that having a secret fling with him would be good for me.

Ivy knows I can’t fall in love. And when you can’t fall in love, your heart can’t be broken. Ava knows it too, but she wasn’t immediately convinced I can have a few months of fun without developing feelings.

Blue eyes meet mine.

“Wouldn’t you like to know which twin it was?”

“I don’t care,” I lie.

And it is a lie. Just the thought of Ezra with someone else is trapping my stomach in vicious claws, talons tearing at the flesh.

If anything, this feeling is only a confirmation that I need to keep my distance. I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024