Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,146

smart move to piss me off.”

Tanner’s grip on my shoulder tightens, not that he has to drag me away. I’m more than happy to walk out of this place and never look back, especially now that we know he’s lost track of Jerry.

Letting ourselves out onto the porch, neither Tanner nor I say anything, our steps a quick rhythm until we climb in the car and are pulling away.

Tanner speaks through clenched teeth, obviously pissed. “What happened to no violence until after we get the information we need?”

“We got it. He doesn’t know where Jerry is.”

Silent for a second, Tanner sighs. “We didn’t ask about Everly.”


Jase is going to flip his shit.

It isn’t until we’re pulling off on the exit that leads to my house, that Tanner clears his throat, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter that only makes my teeth clench.

“Don’t fucking say it.”

“What? I have nothing to say.”


“I just think it’s funny, that’s all.”

“Nothing’s funny.”

He laughs softly again, a choked sound as if he can’t keep it in. “That was a very pretty speech you gave.”

My voice is a warning growl. “Fuck off, Tanner.”

Another chuckle. “Seriously, I was inspired.”

“I swear to God, if you don’t shut your whore mouth-“

“You’ll what? Get mad and admit more of the truth about how much you love Ivy? I’m terrified,” he deadpans. “Please, stop threatening me before I shit myself.”

My head snaps his direction. “I didn’t admit anything.”

Mocking me, he speaks in falsetto. “So no. I won’t stay away from Ivy. From now on, I’ll be the person standing beside her, the strength following behind her, the person building her the fuck up so she doesn’t fall victim to assholes like you ever again...”

I can’t help my grin despite how pissed off I am. “You memorized it?”

“Like I said, it was inspiring. Seriously, statues should be erected in your honor. One with a big ass plaque engraved beneath calling you the world’s most pathetic liar.”

His laughter fills the car. “You’ll let her go, my ass. You’re such a fucking fraud, you believed yourself.”

We turn down my driveway just as twilight swallows the skies. Pulling up behind my car, he kills the engine and leans back in his seat, his head swiveling my direction.

“Well, shit. Now that I know you actually do love her, I almost feel bad.”

Suspicion douses me. “For what?”

If he tells me one of the twins touched her, there won’t be a corner on the planet they’ll be able to run to without me finding them and burying them in a shallow grave.

“Giving Ivy the key to your place.”


That’s even worse.

I’m out of the car and running toward my house before Tanner can say another word, my feet coming to a quick stop when I spot something white on the ground, a dust cloud kicking up from the dirt as I lean over to pick it up.


She fucking wouldn’t.

Not that shit again.

My eyes snap up to the house, my teeth slamming together as I crush the feather in my fingers and run up the steps to the porch.

Throwing the door open so hard it slams against the wall and rattles the windows, my heart drops into my stomach, anger gripping down on every muscle of my body to see piles of feathers covering the floors, several of them flying up and gently falling down from the breeze of the opening door.

Utter silence fills the house, my nerves on edge, my head tilting to the side when I hear a single muted cluck coming from upstairs.

Behind me, loud steps come to a halt, snorting laughter setting my teeth together harder before Tanner says, “Oh, fuck. She did it again.”

Ivy’s a dead woman.

Her and the fucking chickens.

Hauling ass upstairs, I hear another cluck coming from the direction of the guest rooms, a trail of feathers flying up around my feet as I run in that direction and turn right to slam a door open. My eyes lock with Ivy’s mischievous smirk, my hand balling into a fist as I take a few steps forward.

I’m almost across the room and on top of her when I get slammed from behind by two heavy bodies, my body spun, and my arms lifted above my head as I’m shoved against a wall.

It isn’t until I hear the metallic click that I remember the cuffs I had installed, and when I look down from where I’m now locked in place, I see Tanner, Ivy and Ezra smiling back at me.

“All of you. Dead. Don’t care what Copyright 2016 - 2024