Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,143

before he calls ahead to alert the governor of our presence. I’m half of the mind that the guard will be given an order to call the cops, that or, at the least, turn us away, but surprise lifts my brows when the gate slides open.

Tanner shoots me a grin because he never doubted Ivy’s father would want to see us. Anger does that to a person, makes them welcome their opponent in when the game board has changed and the pieces have been rearranged.

At this moment, we have the upper hand, and I’m sure it’s as uncomfortable for Thomas Callahan as walking around with a stick jammed firmly up his ass.

My fingers tap on the armrest of the door as the car winds up the long driveway, my eyes scanning over the manicured lawn and sporadic gardens.

It was only yesterday that Ivy and I had driven this path, my promise to be on the same team with her now sounding hollow even in my own head.

I hadn’t lied to her about how I felt, but I also refuse to continue dragging her into my bullshit where she can be hurt.

Thomas will be lucky if I leave this house without introducing my fist to his face. The asshole deserves it for touching Ivy.

“No violence until we get what we want,” Tanner warns as we pull up to the front of the house, his dark gaze sliding my way as his mouth tips into a knowing smirk.

“Is it that obvious?”

He doesn’t answer. Instead, Tanner grabs the paperwork we drafted against the governor and steps out the car. He’s halfway up the stairs when I let myself out, my ground-eating stride easily catching up to him before he reaches the door.

We don’t have to knock. The butler pulls the door open before we have the chance, anger written into the line of his mouth.

“Mr. Caine,” he says before his eyes slide my direction. “And Mr. Dane.”

“Save it, Jeeves,” Tanner says as he slips into the house with me behind him.

“My name is Harrison.”

“You say that like I give a shit. Where’s Governor Callahan?”

The question is barely out of Tanner’s mouth by the time Thomas is storming down the large staircase in the center of the room, his dark eyes locked directly on me.

“Harrison, I’ll take care of our guests. You’re excused.”

“Yes, sir.”

When Thomas reaches the bottom floor, his stride closing the distance and the sides of his jacket flying out with the swiftness of his steps, he flicks a dismissive glance at Tanner before demanding, “You should both tell me right now why I shouldn’t call the cops and have you arrested for conspiracy to commit burglary.”

“Probably because while they’re here, we’ll explain your involvement in mail fraud, extortion and murder.”

Governor Callahan stops in place, his stare locking to mine. To be honest, I have no idea if he was involved in two of those crimes. I’d just tossed them in because it sounded good. Judging by the look on his face, I’m not too far from the truth.

Tanner’s voice slides into the tense silence. “We might also explain how we’re here to personally serve you with papers being filed against you on behalf of Luca Bailey.”

His stare flicks to Tanner again, but my voice draws his attention back to me. “And we’ll definitely explain how there’s a woman out there with bruises on her face from your abusive hand.”

Flashing me a mocking grin, he dismisses the notion of that. “Ivy deserved it for stepping out of line. She knows her place.”

Rage races down my spine, my body lunging forward, only to be stopped when Tanner throws an arm out to block me.

He glares at me in warning before schooling his expression to look back at Thomas. “You might want to invite us somewhere private for the rest of this conversation.”

“There is no person in my house who will talk. This is as private as it gets.”

“Good to know your staff is as dirty as you,” Tanner practically purrs. “Then you won’t mind explaining your involvement with JJB Tech.”

He laughs at that, his haughty behavior just as disgusting as our fathers. “What makes you think I owe you an explanation for anything? You two still have a lot to learn about how things work around here.”

Unfortunately for him, he’s about to learn just how much we’ve already learned.

“You can fuck off with the bullshit speech about being superior. I heard it yesterday and was as bored with it then as I am Copyright 2016 - 2024